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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 28, 2006
Central Illinois
I'm sorry for putting up a thread so similar to another but that one really doesn't answer my question.

I'm looking for software with the best support for virtual instruments in my budget (the sub-$500 arena), so that instantly disqualifies Logic Pro.

All I need is something that can import MIDI files that I export from Overture 2.6, and I have a feeling that because of the Dr. Rex drum machine in Reason, I'd have to reprogram all the percussion that the case, or does Reason have some GM drum kits as well? If not, that would make the answer really clear.

BTW, I'll be using this on a closeout 1.9GHz iMac G5 (I'd been going back and forth on getting an Intel box and decided it's just too early for me)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 28, 2006
Central Illinois
Forgot to mention, I'm not going to professionally produce anything in Reason or Logic Express at this point, I'm mostly using it to mock up my own original works so I can get a better idea how it'll sound in an ensemble.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
"Logic or Reason", ah yes, what a thought-provoking statement.

I would argue that logic is the science of reasoning. Logic allows us to analyze a piece of reasoning and determine whether it is correct or not. I could go on and on about this interesting topic, but shall leave it at that for now. :cool:


macrumors 6502
Jan 28, 2006
If I am correct, there is no way to actually record or use vst-plugin or dxi- plugins instruments. So, if you have any stand-alone virtual instruments, you will need to Re-Wire Reason into another compatible software, like Cubase.

I have never used Logic Express, but I believe that Logic does not allow non-native virtual instruments as well.

I don't know if Reason or Logic has better built-in soft synths, and I am curious to know.

I currently have Reason 3 and really enjoy it! I planning on purchasing Logic Pro
in the near future, thanks to the student discount.


macrumors 68030
From what you posted, I think that Logic is the way for you to go for many reasons.

Reason is a good way to learn the basics of electronic music..but that's about it.

It's fun, and retardedly easy, but after you out grow it, you'll never open it again.

Get Logic, and don't look back.

Or Ableton Live, in fact, that's my personal's amazing.
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