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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 24, 2002
The West Loop

I've read the book(s)
I've looked online
I've been to Border's And Barnes&Noble

I cannot figure out how to get sequences of drums put together in Ultrabeat into the bloody song! Everything I've read has said something like "Ultrabeat is weird but great!" (gee, how useful - how the $%#@ do I use it?!).

This should be simple. I know people use it just fine, how did they figure it out? Others like me asking this 'simple' question in forums seem to not get any responses.

Anyone pleeeeeeeeeeease!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 21, 2005
There's a little place on the bottom left corner of ultrabeat that you click on to then drag/insert it to your layout. Then you can place your set beat sequence where and when you want, adjust mixer, etc like any other track.
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