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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 24, 2005
A religiously oppressed state
I have a 3 hour plane ride coming up and I am looking for a really great game to play on it. I would love the game to be free and downloadable (I am currently in the Cayman Islands so I doubt I would be able to find a game shop down here to buy the game). So basically suggest games that you can sit and play for hours on end without getting bored... oh yeah and because it's for on the plane it can't need internet access.

I would love it to be a FPS =] But if not that's great too.



macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Boggle is awesome, my favorite "physical box" game ever. Another great one is Shanghai (Mah Jong). There are a number of variations of it for computers (some cheap if not free), it's totally addictive. Game House has a good version of it. In fact, Game House has lots of great "time-killer" games. Also I've found that games with a lot of motion (FPS) make me sick and/or tired on a plane, so I keep it simple. Sudoku is good too, if you like puzzles.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
For WinXP? OSX? Be more specific what about your computer specs.

I'd recommend Half-Life 2 but its a steam game and it requires you to be online (even though the game is single player :mad:). Maybe you can find a crack or something to bypass steam :p though I don't think thats legal.


macrumors newbie
Aug 27, 2007
Well, depending on how much time you have, you can order Warcraft 3 from the applestore, and have it delivered to you. And it runs well even on Ibooks :)
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