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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 28, 2005
My battery unit on my hi-res 17" moves around.

So if you're holding your PB like a tray with your hand underneath it like a butler, you can push the battery up and down a few millimeters to the point where you can hear it thud.

Is this normal operation? how would one go about fixing this? i hate the idea of having apple guys mess with a brand new pb.

thx in advance


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2005
yeh it seems to be a design flaw with all apples laptops, what im still thinking about doing is putting some paper into the slot that locks it in so it wil be pushed in more


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 28, 2005
Maybe I didn't notice on my other units... Sorry, i went thru several new 17s... one for a delete button that wouldn't work consistently... second for the flashing during sleep display which i've come to find out is on pretty much every hi-res unit i've come across... and now this.

the battery never sits flush. and now with this, the battery literally moves around.

i'm wondering if a new battery would make this problem go away. if not, the paper idea works, but i have concerns about the heat generated in that area.. not sure. maybe a piece of foam rubber.

this is pretty ghetto, dude.
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