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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 28, 2007
This is so silly, but I've lost my option for - Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track.
When I right click the mouse, the option isn't there anymore.
I opened TextEdit, clicked on the Service >"Service Preferences"
Highlighted the text, right clicked the mouse, and the option isn't there.
What have I done/not done. Where did it go?

:( Patt

I'm using Mt. Lion. I should have mentioned that I tried to find iTunes on the Apple forum, but their site is so complicated I feel liking I'm spinning around, and not in a good way. I'm sure I've managed to turn something on or off. It's okay if you have a good laugh.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 28, 2007
Figured "Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track"

Finally figured it out.

I have to hold down the apple command key just once, and then I get all the benefits of "Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track" using the right click on the mouse. Now if I can find where iTunes drops the Spoken Track inside of iTunes, I'm good to go.

When I first saw the option for Spoken Track it was just THERE when I held down the right mouse side, ever had seen it before. Now, I have to do as I said above. What happened, why? :confused:
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