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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 16, 2018
So I rebooted my 2011 iMac the other day and was greeted with a message saying my library had to be repaired and was prompted for my password. After trying to cancel out of it several times and even restarting by pressing power button, I finally entered my password for it just to fail anyway in whatever it was trying to do. Apparently I needed to fix my home folder permissions, which I was not able to do successfully, but that's a whole other story.

My main issue is that after creating another user account to use while I figured things out, I realized that not an hour before the reboot, I pasted a valuable number on what have been my 1st sticky note in eons. Then I checked my latest backup and of course ~/Library/StickiesDatabase was not a part of it.

When I Search this Mac for StickiesDatabase, the only one found is one from an old, old archived system, which leads me to believe it might not be finding all of them (a permissions thing perhaps). It's definitely not in the old/non-working user's Library any longer - I'm guessing the 'Library Repair' wiped that out? Is, is there a remote chance of recovering that file? Any suggestions for where it may be since all of that user's Home directory contents seem to have been removed?


PS - because it pulled that 'Your Library needs to be repaired' nonsense out of nowhere, does that sound like the hard drive had some sort of mini-crash? Disk 1st Aid didn't find anything wrong. I've already switched off of that system (it was only a matter of time) but need to know if it needs to be officially decommissioned or it can stay in the lineup for less mission-critical use.
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