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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 27, 2005
Los Angeles
Hello there,

Ive noticed that my powerbook seems to make a barley audible but regular "beep." Interestingly enough, I've found that when you unplug the power adapter (ie: running on battery) this noise is not present. Furthermore, I only notice it from time to time. This could be because it is so low of a sound that you need to be in nearly complete quiet to hear it, but none the less.

I am wondering what it could be. Given the nature of the sound and its interval, I would assume it is there for a reason. I know, for example, that my old PC would make beeps when starting up that indicated the status of the system based upon the length and number of the sounds. Could this be some kind of warning or indicator? I dont think the computer should normally make this sound, as it does become somewhat distracting when you are typing up a document in silence.

I really should emphasize again, however, that this is a very low noise, probably about as audible as a particularly loud wrist watch ticking. However, the noise does bear an uncanny resemblence to the sound that microsoft office (4 windows) paperclip makes when its tapping on your screen, for what thats worth. Maybe this is why the noise irritates me so much, because it reminds me of that annoying bastard.

To make things simpler, my computer is a late model Powerbook 17" with the 1.67 GHz G4, a gig of ram (512 of which came from crucial) and the 128 MB vid card. I should note this is the revision that came out right before the latest one (ie: it has the screen resolution of the current 15").

Thanks for your time.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
So, apart from the power adaptor having to be plugged in, there's no tend or pattern as to when it beeps? Does it come from the speakers or the actual computer? If you're not sure, maybe plug some headphones in for a while. :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 27, 2005
Los Angeles
It def. comes from the machine itself...i would say somewhere in the area of the G and H dead center. I noticed that when shutting it down, the beeps would stop as the OS was closing itself up. Upon restarting, when the OS first came on the beeps began as a quick, irregular emalgamation of that beeping noise (hard to describe), then they became regular in quick fashion. I am beginning to wonder if these beeps are going on all the time and I just cant hear/notice them, or if there is a specific set of circumstances that causes them to arrise.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Okay, well considering it's only occurring when plugged in and it's not coming from the speakers, I'd give resetting the PMU a go. For something slightly less drastic, I'd repair permissions too but I'd be seriously surprised if that fixed anything (permissions, not PMU). :)

What sort of peripherals do you have plugged in, if any?


Jun 18, 2004
This is a little OT and won't help with your problem but your post reminded me of a 'similar' problem I had.

A few days ago I was mortified to hear low clicking/grinding noises when sat at my iMac G5 about a week out of warranty. I had simultaneous thoughts that "Crap this'll cost $$$'s to fix" and "Cool, an excuse to upgrade"....
...turned out my neighbour on the other side of the wall was putting up shelves.


Is it when you're using a certain program? I get very annoying high pitched noises from my PB when I'm using Dreamweaver. It comes from the region of the number keys, I think. Oh, and I rarely use Dreamweaver unless I'm plugged in, so I'm not sure if it happens on battery power.

I believe it was blamed on the sound card being odd, from what I remember.
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