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macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
I find it interesting that $100 laptops and stripped down versions of software is supposed to solve the world's problems of poverty and hunger...

OLPC is a nice project to improve the education of African children, I support it with no reservation.

M$'s project is another issue which I don't think I know the whole truth yet.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
One of our Pastors just got back from Africa - she showed us pics. I think they'd rather have food than laptops....:(

lol, they need helps at all kinds of different levels, can't treat the whole society as a whole.:)


macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
Thats still $2 more expensive than Vista is in China.

true, if you assume all ppl there will not consider a legal product when its price is at acceptable level, $199 for Americans is like $1600 for them, while $3 for Americans is like $25 for them, I am sure most ppl (even in US, UK, etc) won't consider a copy of OS at $1600, but they sure like a legal copy at $25.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2004
Huber Heights, OH
osx for free

i remember ooo probably 7-8 months ago Steve offered to install OSX on all of those laptops for no charge at all. I believe there was some argument about it being a proprietary OS and that they were going to stick with Red Hat or something. i think its kind of rediculous that they would not want a mainstream OS on those laptops. Granted linux is pretty stable, but OSX is used by 5% of the population (or whatever) Red Hat, less than 1%.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
i remember ooo probably 7-8 months ago Steve offered to install OSX on all of those laptops for no charge at all. I believe there was some argument about it being a proprietary OS and that they were going to stick with Red Hat or something. i think its kind of rediculous that they would not want a mainstream OS on those laptops. Granted linux is pretty stable, but OSX is used by 5% of the population (or whatever) Red Hat, less than 1%.

OLPC is a small laptop with everything built in. I don't think SJ was offering hardware, and its hard to imagine OSX would fit in a laptop as cheap as those, take a look


macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
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