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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2022
This would be by second go around trying to change the mac address with the new macbook M1. Currently I'm using the older (2012) macbook with Catalina for work and changing everything is simple and easy. Has anyone found a work around for the new mac with M1? My old system needs to be replaced and I'd like to get the new macbook but might have to settle for one of the older 2012's again? Anyone have some advice?
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
I don't think that's possible and I don't know why you would ever want to do change your mac address.


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2011
Glendale, AZ USA
If the Mac is used in a work environment, I'd suggest working with your IT people so that they would be able to update your MAC address. I've heard of some voodoo to synthetically alter it, but I would not recommend going that route. None-the-less, work with your IT staff.
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macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
This would be by second go around trying to change the mac address with the new macbook M1. Currently I'm using the older (2012) macbook with Catalina for work and changing everything is simple and easy. Has anyone found a work around for the new mac with M1? My old system needs to be replaced and I'd like to get the new macbook but might have to settle for one of the older 2012's again? Anyone have some advice?
No you can't. It's hardcoded to the hardware.

If by some reason you come to get some software that spoofs it, you'll learn that the ordeal to make it work is a pain.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
As sheepish asked, why would you want to change your MAC address? IP address are obvious, not sure I have ever come across a need to change my MAC address or even heard of anyone wanting to change it.


Jul 14, 2021
As sheepish asked, why would you want to change your MAC address? IP address are obvious, not sure I have ever come across a need to change my MAC address or even heard of anyone wanting to change it.
Stolen goods, amongst other reasons.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2017
Following are notes I wrote on what I used to do under Lion and Mountain Lion to change the MAC address on a MBP (for testing server and security software). I used to use this quite often, but I haven't tested it recently so I don't know whether it still works under Monterey and on M1 Macs. (Reading the man page on "ifconfig", however, indicates that it should still work on Monterey and M1.)

# Mac OS X Lion: Change MAC address:
# The following command reads the current MAC address:
OLDMAC=`ifconfig en0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}'`
echo " MAC address: $OLDMAC"
# The following command gets a random MAC address:
RNDMAC=`openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'`
echo " Random MAC address: $RNDMAC"
# The following command sets a random new MAC address:
sudo ifconfig en0 ether `echo $RNDMAC`
sudo ifconfig en0 down
sudo ifconfig en0 up
# The following command resets the original MAC address:
sudo ifconfig en0 ether `echo $OLDMAC`
sudo ifconfig en0 down
sudo ifconfig en0 up
# Alias:
alias changemac='sudo ifconfig en0 ether $(openssl rand -hex 6 | sed '\''s/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'\'')'
sudo ifconfig en0 down
sudo ifconfig en0 up


macrumors 601
May 18, 2015
As sheepish asked, why would you want to change your MAC address? IP address are obvious, not sure I have ever come across a need to change my MAC address or even heard of anyone wanting to change it.
Well, some organizations have pretty strict security and have the MAC address defined to the DHCP server to assign the proper IP address to it. It's certainly nothing unusual in Windows land. (anything not defined to the DHCP server gets a guest IP address that has it's own subnet that isn't routed to the working subnet.) Changing the MAC address makes it easier for the user to hook in a new machine without involving IT.


macrumors 68030
Aug 19, 2020
Homebrew at your service:

  1. From Terminal app, install mac-spoof with HomeBrew
  2. brew install spoof-mac
  3. Option-click on the wi-fi menu bar item in MacOS to get the interface name (typically en0, sometimes en1)
  4. Temporarily disconnect from wi-fi by going to the Wi-Fi menu and toggling the current Wi-F network so that it’s not longer connected
  5. At the command line, use the mac-spoof command to e.g. generate a random MAC address and change the network interface at en0 to that:
  6. sudo spoof-mac randomize en0
  7. or use a specific one… on e.g. en1, en2, wherever
  8. Return to the wi-fi menu and now re-connect to Wi-Fi on the Mac, the new MAC address should immediately take effect


macrumors G4
Oct 24, 2014
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