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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 7, 2005
Ok, So I am trying to help someone with their mac and they want to record something onto their computer from their VCR. The Mac is an Powermac 7500 A/V.. I see video/audio in ports on the computer also. So i plug all the cables, but then I realized how do I record it? The computer is running OS 9 and has 128 mb of ram. Do I need some type of apple program? how do the A/V ports work?



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 7, 2005
macg4 said:
u can use the mac video player program

what is it? is if free? How would I go about doing this?

Thanks 4 your reply!

stewie D

macrumors newbie
Jan 9, 2006
Or just get a half decent app like Avid Videoshop or Strata Video that run on OS 9. They give you a lot more options and you can pick up copies on ebay for about $10. Either way you need some sort of app with an on screen control panel to import the video. If you have all the cables connected properly , just fire up the app -vid player or whatever , go to the main menu and there should be an import button . Hit that , make sure the VCR or other is playing and the video will start to download to the computer. Make sure you have enough Ram and Hard Drive free space first though or you might run out of room . Uncompressed video chews up HD space quickly.


macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
macEfan said:
The Mac is an Powermac 7500 A/V.. The computer is running OS 9 and has 128 mb of ram.
The two physical factors to take into consideration when capturing video on that system (and on 8500s) is processor speed and VRAM.

The 7500 series shipped with 2 MB of VRAM, upgrading to 4 MB (the system's max) should help with the capture rate and resolution.

At one point Strata was giving away VideoShop 3.0 which worked great on the 7500/8500 series systems for capturing video. I'm not sure where to find it these days as I got my copy with a MacAddict back in early 1998. I have both Premiere 5.1 and VideoShop 4.5 on my 8100av, but I actually do all my video capturing on my SGI Indy (outfitted with a Cosmo Compression capture option) as it captures video at full frame rate at full frame size.
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