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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
Jammer from SoundTrek... what's an equivalent for Macs?

Which brings me to the question: do you mix windows and macs in your music creation environment? I guess I'd kind of like to keep it all mac, but maybe it simply is not possible or even desirable... I mean best tool for the job, whatever that tool may be... no? But then, I'm just tired of windows after all these years (made my switch to mac a month ago :) )


macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2003
Under the Sea
OldCorpse said:
Jammer from SoundTrek... what's an equivalent for Macs?

Which brings me to the question: do you mix windows and macs in your music creation environment? I guess I'd kind of like to keep it all mac, but maybe it simply is not possible or even desirable... I mean best tool for the job, whatever that tool may be... no? But then, I'm just tired of windows after all these years (made my switch to mac a month ago :) )

id only mix windows and macs when id want a really bad head ache.
since i switched to mac ive enjoyed not having those head aches so
i havent mixed them yet.. but who knows, i might want to give myself a head ache soon just to remind me how frustrating windows is. i just havent found the need to go back to windows.

Ive never heard of jammer before, but by looking over it, it looks kinda
like a newbie audio app, kinda like apples Garage Band or Reason.

Id suggest trying out Apples Garage Band, it handles both Audio and midi
and is far superior to Reason in over all sound quality and performance.

if you want to get into more pro level software then Logic Pro is your answer. if your a student you can get logic for almost 1/2 price.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
thumper said:
Id suggest trying out Apples Garage Band, it handles both Audio and midi
and is far superior to Reason in over all sound quality and performance.

if you want to get into more pro level software then Logic Pro is your answer. if your a student you can get logic for almost 1/2 price.

What does Logic Pro have over Express, really (I did read the Apple page to see what the differences are, but I'm interested in real life feedback). I'm surprised you rate GB (which I have with iLife06) higher than Reason... in fact I was considering getting Reason, though I must admit I'm really interested in ReCycle... would I be able to import files I worked on in ReCycle to LE or GB?


macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2003
Under the Sea
OldCorpse said:
What does Logic Pro have over Express, really (I did read the Apple page to see what the differences are, but I'm interested in real life feedback). I'm surprised you rate GB (which I have with iLife06) higher than Reason... in fact I was considering getting Reason, though I must admit I'm really interested in ReCycle... would I be able to import files I worked on in ReCycle to LE or GB?

Logic express is great too, but with logic pro you get lots more awesome
soft synths.. they are so amazing and worth the price alone.

I would stay away from Reason/Recycle. i personally find the quality of the
actual audio coming out to be sub par when compared to other products on the market. they are fun to work with but, thats what it is.. .its more of an all-in-one Audio Toy then a Nice sounding instrument.

Native Instruments makes some great products. i personally love them cuz they are Easy to work with, has great control and you can get really deep into the programing like MAX/MSP if ya really wanted to.

Looks easy and fun.

..and you can get right down to MAX/MSP style if you REALLY wanted too.

you dont have to be an audio guru to work it, but when you become one
you can fully take advantage of the whole program. big bang for your buck.

-Reaktor 5, great sounding synths.
-Absynth 3, made famous by Keane, he uses it
for the music and sound design in the tv show CSI.

i really love almost everything NI makes. Guitar Rig 2 was worth every penny.

I just bought this great drum app also. its called BFD.
this just blew me away. im speechless everytime i listen
to how great the samples are. and you can mix the room mics too.
i just cannt say enough great things about this.

sorry for the little rant, but..
you'll be off to a great start if you bought Logic Express.
you can always upgrade it to pro when you get the money
you get EXSP24 with logic express and it is amazing.

it has nice drum kits in it too.

if you have money left over id REALLY recommend getting
Reaktor 5. it will last you a long time.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
Thumper, you make a very strong case... my reason for looking at ReCycle is simply that I'm interested in more than dummy loops... I'd like to actually *work* with the sound, and ReCycle seems to have a good workflow (from what I can gather reading... I never actually worked with it)... of course, if the resulting sound quality is poor, well then the best workflow in the world won't compensate. Ultimately, it's the person who is key, software is just a tool, but it's important that the tools don't get in the way of the work.

Reaktor looks interesting, though the price is a bit intimidating... which also goes for the other software you mentioned... maybe you get what you pay for, but I can't help it at the moment. Still, I'm bookmarking all this for the day I can get some $ together.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2005
the ruins of the Cherokee nation
ReCycle works well for what it is, but i personally hate the work flow. My uni bought a copy of it (i dont know why, one of those things the school admins think that electronic composers use, but dont ask before buying....grrrr) and of course i installed it and played around with it for a bit. It was just irritating for me, but other people that have less experience with more intensive audio programs actually seemed to work with ReCycle with enjoyment. The sound quality is pretty good, but i wouldnt use it for anything i would sell, but its fine for playing around.

I took a quick look at some Jammer sites on the net, and it sounds a bit like Band In a Box, where you can set the accompaniment style and all of that. It is cheap, but i havent seen this program since the days of OS 9. Here is the link to the developers website with more OS X info. Linkety. I think they offer a demo as well.

Oh btw, Logic Exp is fine for most people (i require no more than what Logic exp offers), so there is really no need for the Pro version unless you are a audio engineer or the like. Pro offers higher sample rates when recording, surround sound stuff and a lighter wallet. And Garageband and Reason sound about the same, dont be fooled. If you are in doubt, there are plenty of Reason and GB songs out on the net for your perusal.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
Darn, faintember, you're so helpful... can we clone you and spread you around to help in other threads :) ?

OK, that settles it. I'm officially abandoning any plans for ReCycle. The killer for me is the objection to the sound quality (seeing as both you and Thumper agree, it seems settled). The whole point of my wanting ReCycle was precisely because I hate the pre-fab canned quality of a lot of beat/loop stuff available, and I wanted a chance to work on the sound myself to give it a bit more individuality... I thought ReCycle might be it... now I hear ReCycle is part of the problem :(

OK, I think I'm gonna cool down a bit here. I'm going to keep plugging away at LE, but I'll also give GB3 a serious look seeing as that I've got it anyhow, and it's getting so much praise (I guess I unfairly dismissed it as a toy without testing it personally, my bad). And for the other stuff, I'l try to find some way to test before I buy. I'm interested in Reaktor, but can't swing the $... so I'll take it easy and try to work with what I have (again, I firmly believe the user is key, with tools only marginally important). Maybe if I have an opportunity to test Reaktor, and love it, then I'll think of how to rob a bank to afford it :)

P.S. In this era of Patriot Act, for anyone reading that last sentence above, IT WAS A JOKE, K? You can put the gun down, thank you :D


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2005
the ruins of the Cherokee nation
No prob....

Give GB a try. If you out grow it, or dislike it there are plenty of other options.

So you wanted Recycle to do loops, but Reaktor (with the heavy price tag) does many many many more things. Unless you really want to get into Reaktor and learn the program inside and out it is a waste of money IMHO. An untweaked Reaktor patch sounds like "Reaktor", just like some people think Reason sounds like "Reason".

The main thing is find out what are the main things you want to do, then go for the app that does it the best for your budget. I have a old old copy of Cubase SX that i still use fairly often as that type of program isnt that big of a deal to me, but i buy pretty much every upgrade to Peak so i can do all of my anal audio editing. Personally i dont like Reaktor's interface, but that is really just me. Others love it, and get good results with it. I have just chosen other applications for my work. Ableton Live is always a choice for you as well.

Wow, i just changed subject mid-paragraph. I am going to bed.
Oh, dont worry, the government cant read this website. They use Windows. lol......
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