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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
I've seen in a couple of places that the M1 Mac Mini has issues when connected to Studio display, with performance levels dropping noticeably. I'm weighing up between a 16GB Mini and a Studio Max base model. There's a gulf in price terms, but I have an 8GB Mini with a 4K screen and I'm yet to run into any issues of that sort, but I want to make sure that when it comes to a new second machine, I'm making the right choice. I'm stuck with the Studio (or Ultrafine 5K) in order to maintain the pixel doubling, but if the Mini is going to suffer for it (I'll also be hooking a second 1440p screen to it), Studio it is.


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017

A friend of mine just got an M1 Mac mini with Studio Display and he says at least for mainstream general usage, that setup absolutely flies. (He hasn't tested it with his content creation software yet, but for everything else it's super fast.)

BTW, his mom got a 24" M1 iMac and he says that absolutely flies too.
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macrumors member
Jan 2, 2015
I've a Mac Mini 16GB connected to my LG Ultrafine without any issues. In fact, it ran much faster than my almost maxed out Intel 16" MBP.


macrumors member
Mar 23, 2022
Interrested in links saying mac mini is dropping performances with ASD. Can you share with us ?
I'm about to buy a new mac mini (16go/1to) with ASD. I never heard of performance issues, but don't buy it if so.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 3, 2005
I saw it on a couple of YouTube videos, where it was mentioned that under load, compared to a 4K display, when a Studio 5K was connected, there was noticeable timeline frame drops which they assumed was something to do with the A13 chip. Sods law, I can't remember who's the videos were and haven't found them since.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 8, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I can say that running a 4K display in M1 MacMini isn't a big deal if you don't scale UI.

If you scale UI, you will be on the edge. M1's GPU is not that fast to hold a scaled 4K resolution. While editing pictures on Photoshop or Capture One, I'm getting delays on preview.

Well, speaking of picture editing, I believe that if you will run an unscaled 5K display you should be on the same level, if not worst.
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