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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 6, 2009
At this moment, I have my Mac mini encoding video with HandBrake for iTunes. In iStat Pro in Dashboard, it says that my CPU is 204 degrees Fahrenheit! Is this normal? I get that video encoding is CPU intensive. But why would the fan only stay at 1500 RPM and not kick up to keep the processor cool? :confused: The area around the fan is scalding hot in the back, also.


macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2010
The higher the rpm doesn't necessarily mean better cooling. It depends on the angle configuration of the fins and how far they are spaced apart.

My understanding is 1500 rpms on that particular fan configuration is at it's maximum efficiency.

That said, liquid nitrogen should solve any tempreature issues you may be having :p


macrumors 68000
Oct 29, 2009
video encoding is probably the most stressful thing for your mini to do.

I would restart, open no other programs and only run HB

If this is something you plan on doing a lot, an external DVD burner would be a good idea
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