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macrumors newbie
Jun 11, 2009
I don't want to spam the topic, but here is a new one:)

Some words about the making of this intro: the graphics was made on my main computer running Yosemite - using Photoshop and Illustrator. The fonts used are custom made fonts, and was assembled and pixelated in photoshop. Image data then was serialized with a custom JS tool, and the prototype was also done in Javascript:

Hey that's pretty cool :)
Thank You!


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
Interesting toppic.
I thought I could do some scene-stuff too, but I did not manage to get a working environment. Link: index.php

i would love to see some cool-oldshool-2d-stuff on my g4-mini...


macrumors member
Dec 17, 2016
I don't think using quartz composer would go over well. I think it has to be an executable. Now, if I can find some good compression code, I can expand it at runtime and fit twice as much in!

The thing about os x is that you can't just make a pure c sdl app. To make a .app file, you need to go through some obj-c "glue." That "glue" is 22k all on its own. The real source file was very small, maybe 1k. I wonder if I learned obj-c I could slim that down a bit. If you guys want to give it a try (I don't see why you would, but still... :D), I'll attach the file.
nonsense, if you can't do assembly, just use pure c stuff, even GNU c toolchain


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
Interesting topic... I am also collecting demoscene-stuff.... I have manly two machines to play with.
LC 68080/16Mhz
PM 6100/66 PPC

Main target would be early scene stuff like Starfield, smooth Scroller, etc.
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