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macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2003
Hopes this fixes the Firewire problem for me. The firewire does not transfer information but still has power to them...I know this because my scanner and iPod will not work; however, the iPod still gets charged.


macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2002
Cirencester, UK
Re: GeForce4MX/Sawtooth

Originally posted by frogmella
Sadly, this build doesn't yet fix the problem with Apple GeForce4MX vards in a Sawtooth with more than 256MB RAM, despite updated GeForce drivers.

why are Apple ignoring this??? It's all GeForce cards.



macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2003
I'll probably be flamed to death for saying this, but:

If Itunes was to sell Ipods then perhaps Panther is to sell new computers.

Sure there are dazzling new features, but a fundamental look at Apple's business model would show that they make the vast majority of their money on new hardware, not software.

It is reminiscent of (not the same as) the huge upgrade of hardware following Windows 95 release which orphaned an amazing number of DOS boxes.

I can easily forsee that 10.4 will have problems on G4s. It's the natural progression/evolution in the computer business.


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
Durham, NC
If 10.3 was supposed to exclusively sell new hardware, why would Apple work so hard to improve performance across the line, even on G3 hardware? If you don't believe it, look at any of the XBench scores comparing Jaguar and Panther on G3s and G4s. There's an increase on both, not just G4s. It helps to have QE, but even without it there's performance gains.

However, what you said is true, to a point; there are things that you just can't do on older hardware and there's no reason to hold an entire platform back for backwards compatibility.



macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2003
I salute Apple for making those compatibility decisions. Gradual evolution is better than sudden in the computer world.

But some columnists have taken Apple to task for not supporting any video cards with a rom date of less than March 2001. I never saw an announcement about that from Apple, and perhaps they will address this in 10.3.2.

My main point is that:

Apple is a hardware company that also happens to make amazingly good software with an enticement factor to buy their new hardware. Maybe 80-85% of revenues drived from hardware as a guesstimate.

Nothing wrong with this, and a sound business model. Steve Jobs has made some remarkably good business decisions in the last 5 years, and the world is a better place for it.

Microsoft OTOH is a software company that probably derives 95% of its revenues from software licenses. For the $6.9 billion it spends on R&D each year, a pitiful (compared to Apple) resulting output IMO.


macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2002
Cirencester, UK
Originally posted by mcsjgs
I'll probably be flamed to death for saying this, but:

If Itunes was to sell Ipods then perhaps Panther is to sell new computers.

Oh absolutely, but breaking a users current system doesn't encourage upgrades, it puts people off.

The geforce issue isn't iffy graphics or no QE, it kils the G4 dead requiring a fresh install of Jaguar to fix it.

I suggest G4 Sawtooth users ask Apple for a refund on Panther.


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2003
I don't know if it is true or not, but several people with access to the 10.3.2 update have said, unfortunately, that it does not fix the sawtooth/geforce problem. Some ATI and Radeon problems may be addressed (older cards?).


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Re: Java broken in 10.3.1?

Originally posted by hamishb
Fix the Java - works fine in Jaguar / does not work in Panther.

Also Microsoft RDC broken in Panter.

Fix it please!

I tried the website with Mozilla Firebird and had problems with the main menu, but after checking the page source, I didn't notice that there was any Java involved--only JavaScript.

If you're using Mozilla, Camino, or Firebird, this may be a Gecko display problem. There are many since Panther, and the Mozilla people have acknowledged that there is a problem.


macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2002
Cirencester, UK
Originally posted by mcsjgs
I don't know if it is true or not, but several people with access to the 10.3.2 update have said, unfortunately, that it does not fix the sawtooth/geforce problem. Some ATI and Radeon problems may be addressed (older cards?).

I think we can only hope that it is fixed in the final version. It doesn't seem fair that it breaks so many cards, especially when some of them were official Apple products.

Interestingly, on the Apple store it now says you can't use those cards in a system that doesn't have 4x AGP. I don't think it's said that before.


macrumors member
Mar 7, 2002
I purchased a OEM GeForce 4 Ti 4600 card for my Quicksilver 867Mhz (1.12 GB RAM) tower with OS 10.3.1, and popped it in, and I am getting similar problems to what the NVidia GeForce4 MX people are complaining about. I guess I am going to ship the card back to the stupid company that I purchased it from. What poor customer service. Terrible return policy. My question is, is this problem common with the GeForce 4 Ti cards as well? Something that will be fixed with 10.3.2? How closely related are the GeForce 4 MX and Ti? Same chip set, no?


macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2002
Cirencester, UK
Originally posted by PeteyKohut
I purchased a OEM GeForce 4 Ti 4600 card for my Quicksilver 867Mhz (1.12 GB RAM) tower with OS 10.3.1, and popped it in, and I am getting similar problems to what the NVidia GeForce4 MX people are complaining about. I guess I am going to ship the card back to the stupid company that I purchased it from. What poor customer service. Terrible return policy. My question is, is this problem common with the GeForce 4 Ti cards as well? Something that will be fixed with 10.3.2? How closely related are the GeForce 4 MX and Ti? Same chip set, no?

Now thats interesting and very helpful.

Apple has stated that Sawtooth G4s never came with Nvidia cards therefore it is unsupported and there will be no fix (gits!).

You have a Quicksilver which DID have Nvidia and is AGP 4x! There is no way Apple can say you're running unsupported hardware.

AIUI all Geforce cards (2, 3, 4, MX, TI) are very closely related but specced differently. A fix for 1 will fix them all unless it is made not to.

Please go and post to the Apple Support Forum!


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2003
Meanwhile, Apple is polishing its Mac OS X 10.3.2 update for release before the new year. In a note to developers last week, the company asked that they provide timely feedback on builds 7D14 and 7D15 of Mac OS X 10.3.2 Server and Client, respectively. With a substantial list of known issues to squash, the development team wants to ensure a safe release, sources said.

From AppleInsider:


Bummer, I thought it would be out this week. Guess it's better they are taking their time and getting it right.


macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by mcsjgs
Guess it's better they are taking their time and getting it right.

Yeah! They're putting in the geforce code so we don't have to chuck our brand new video cards in the trash! Go Apple!


macrumors regular
Jun 10, 2002
Cirencester, UK
Originally posted by frogmella
Yeah! They're putting in the geforce code so we don't have to chuck our brand new video cards in the trash! Go Apple!

I think you mean putting back the geforce code so we don't have to chuck our brand new video cards - it was fine in 10.2!


macrumors newbie
Jan 6, 2002

For those who are suffering the GeForce/Sawtooth/memory problem, I can confirm that later builds of 10.3.2 do fix this!
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