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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 8, 2020
BIG problem. My computer has intermittently shown this problem (in the title). The screen goes blank, fans go very loud, then the computer restarts itself. This happens mostly when using Logic, and more so when EuCon is active. However, it has also happened when simply using the internet... like right now, when I'm searching for a solution!

It's been stress-tested (by the fine folk at CreatePro), and, according to them, the CPU, GPU and logic board have shown no problems at all.

A quick run-down of my specs: Mac Pro 5,1 mid-2010, 64GB RAM, 12-core 2.66GHz; Mac OS 10.12.6.

I have checked out the logs when these problem have occurred, and it looks like WindowServer and libdispatch client are both present in most of these reports.

If anyone can help me with this, that'd be incredible. Am at my wits end, and have work to do, dammit! I've copied excerpts from the reports below. Thank you so much for reading! Nick


Jul 8 12:22:17 NickSamuelsPro diagnosticd[679]: System mode client stopped - Console (707) - clearing mode: 0x8, still active: 0x0
Jul 8 12:23:41 NickSamuelsPro diagnosticd[679]: System mode client started - Console (769) - mode: 0x8
Jul 8 12:23:52 NickSamuelsPro Console[769]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_VNODE] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Jul 8 12:26:05 NickSamuelsPro[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit


Date/Time: 2020-07-08 11:43:58.910927 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.12.6 (Build 16G1510)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 19
Command: WindowServer
Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer
Version: ??? (???)
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 231
Event: wakeups
Wakeups: 45010 wakeups over the last 286 seconds (157 wakeups per second average), exceeding limit of 150 wakeups per second over 300 seconds
Duration: 286.46s
Steps: 356
Hardware model: MacPro5,1
Active cpus: 24
Fan speed: 887 rpm
Powerstats for: WindowServer [231]
UUID: 719E9679-9EC1-3C42-B63B-9CDC68029956
Start time: 2020-07-08 11:43:59 +0100
End time: 2020-07-08 11:48:38 +0100
Parent: launchd
Microstackshots: 20 samples (5%)
Primary state: 10 samples Non-Frontmost App, User mode, Effective Thread QoS Unspecified, Requested Thread QoS Unspecified, Override Thread QoS Unspecified
User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 20 samples Active
Power Source: 0 samples on Battery, 20 samples on AC


Sun Jul 5 13:31:32 2020
Event: GPU Reset
Date/Time: Sun Jul 5 13:31:32 2020
Application: WindowServer
Tailspin: /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/gpuRestart2020-07-05-133132.tailspin
GPUSubmission Trace ID: 0
OS Version: Mac OS X Version 10.12.6 (Build 16G1510)
Graphics Hardware: AMD Radeon HD 7xxx
Signature: e
Report Data:
Hung Channels: GFX
[00] AccelChannel: GFX
Pending Command from : GLCtx
PendingCommandTimestamp: 0x0000109e, TotalDWords: 0x00000220, GART Offset=0x0000000400000dc0, stamp_idx=0, estamp=0x0000109e
[00] GFX HWChannel : Enabled, NotIdle
LastReadTimestamp : 0x0000109d
NextSubmitTimestamp : 0x000010cd
[GFX, ts:0x0000109e]: No semaphore wait
[GFX, ts:0x0000109e]: semaphore signal: 0xffffff8096b98400
HWSemaphore 0xffffff8096b98400 Signal Event: [GFX channel[0] TS:0x0000109e las
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