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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2021
I bought a maxed out used late 2013 mac pro on ebay last august. Here are the specs right off the bat:

12 core Xeon Proccessor (E5-2697)
Dual Amd FirePro D300 GPU

Currently operating this computer on Big Sur 11.6

This computer has performed amazing up until this point. 300+ tracks in Ableton 11 no problem. However, since the day I had first received this desktop, it would freeze and burst into constant system crashes for about 15-20 minutes. After starting back up a number of times, it would operate just fine.

This error was the error that was constantly happening every time there was a system crash. I would check the report and it was the same deal. Essentially this had gone on long enough to the point where it disturbed workflow enough that i decided to take action on it.

The tech rep. of my school suggested i try reinstalling big sur since this is a second hand computer. I did this today, and currently my computer is having a similar episode of crashing constantly during this process. It will proceed with the install, and get to the screen indicating the estimated time of competition (29 minutes). It will get about half way, and then it will crash and restart the install. This has been happening for around 3hours for me.

I have tried booting up into recovery mode and performing a first aid scan on the disk utility even though i don’t think that is the issue, and essentially what happens there is it will allow me too run a scan on the drive, and after it’s finished for sometime it will freeze up, crash, and then take me back to the start up screen previously where it is supposedly installing up Big Sur.

My guess which seems to be the case is that the dual graphics is causing this computer to run into constant system crashes. It is apparently a common issue for Macs with dual graphics to have errors like this.

If anyone can offer any suggestions/help please share it would be greatly appreciated:) If you have any questions let me know


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2017
Oh *** it, sorry I don't have any suggestions for you right now.

After just a little over two weeks of continuous uptime with my 6,1 D300, I again got a serious slowdown in graphical GUI response. And in a couple of minutes later a total stall of GUI response. I had to reboot.

I reckon that I might have a problem with my "not supported" eGPU set, I'll admit that. TB2-TB3 trick with a hack.

These old things in our possession are problematic now, and the cure for this is not known for sure.
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