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macrumors member
Aug 26, 2006
Cambridge, MA
Since this seems to be the forum for those of us waiting for the MBP, i'll go ahead and post some observations. I called the local apple store and asked when they were getting the new iMac's, he said within a few days. Maybe some MBP's in the same shipment?

also, if anyone is curious, you can't get the hard drive upgrades in the store, even if the user accesible hard drive is added to the MBP.

finally, I noticed that the default speed on the iMac's are the c2d 2.16's, and it's an extra 250$ for the 2.33. do you all think we'll se the 2.33 in the top line of MBP's? i sure hope so...

mmm, MBP... it's gonna be tomorrow, i can feel it.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2006
mightymike107 said:
Since this seems to be the forum for those of us waiting for the MBP, i'll go ahead and post some observations. I called the local apple store and asked when they were getting the new iMac's, he said within a few days. Maybe some MBP's in the same shipment?

also, if anyone is curious, you can't get the hard drive upgrades in the store, even if the user accesible hard drive is added to the MBP.

finally, I noticed that the default speed on the iMac's are the c2d 2.16's, and it's an extra 250$ for the 2.33. do you all think we'll se the 2.33 in the top line of MBP's? i sure hope so...

mmm, MBP... it's gonna be tomorrow, i can feel it.

I hope it's tomorrow but i don't really think apple will update it on a thursday, but who knows.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Los Angeles
mightymike107 said:
Since this seems to be the forum for those of us waiting for the MBP, i'll go ahead and post some observations. I called the local apple store and asked when they were getting the new iMac's, he said within a few days. Maybe some MBP's in the same shipment?

finally, I noticed that the default speed on the iMac's are the c2d 2.16's, and it's an extra 250$ for the 2.33. do you all think we'll se the 2.33 in the top line of MBP's? i sure hope so...

mmm, MBP... it's gonna be tomorrow, i can feel it.

I doubt we'll see MBP's with merom until after the "showtime" movie/new media press conference on the 12th. I believe the new 24" iMac unvieling today is very much a part of that plan and will be featured in the event. Steve will announce the new movie store with all of the bells and whistles, and then I'm guessing he'll say in there somewhere something about how "you can watch your iMovie movies on the brand new 24" iMac, made specifically with the new movie store in mind."

That's what I'm thinking anyway.


macrumors regular
Jul 25, 2006
macman2790 said:
I hope it's tomorrow but i don't really think apple will update it on a thursday, but who knows.

No one thought they'd update the iMacs on a Wednesday its possible.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Los Angeles
bluetorch18 said:
No one thought they'd update the iMacs on a Wednesday its possible.

That probably had more to do with the Labor Day holiday than anything else. If it wasn't a holiday week, they probably would've updated yesterday rather than today.


macrumors 65816
Jan 14, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
As much as I hope, want, wish, would die for, pray that Merom goes into MacBook Pros tomorrow, I don't see it happening. I hope i'm 100% wrong in saying this, but I think it's going to be after the 12th. This week they are to busy with imacs and mac minis and next week they will be to busy with iPods and iTunes. If they were going to annocue Merom in MBPs tomorrow... Why not just do it today?


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
DJMastaWes said:
If they were going to annocue Merom in MBPs tomorrow... Why not just do it today?

Cascade effect
iMacs Wednesday
MBP Thursday
MB Friday
(Fill in your own pet want here) Monday
All leading up to the grand finale at the Expo where new iPod socks are announced (Argyle pattern)

A week of serious publicity for Apple.

I'm most likely completely wrong, but there is good reason for not announcing everything at once.


macrumors newbie
Aug 2, 2006
Apple Chat

Well, this is my 1st post on MaCRumors. :D So here it goes...

I have been waiting for "merom" in the MBP since July, and these rumors keep on getting my hopes high and then Apple comes and crushes them to the floor {WWDC, then every freaking Tuesday since}. But today I was stumbling upon Apple's Website, drooling over the new iMacs, debating on whether I should just buy one instead of a laptop, when I decided to go into the AppleChat, you know, the one that says "click here for advice". I've done this many times before and everytime I've done it, I've asked when Apple was planning on putting the Core 2 Duos in the MBP's, hoping something important would accidentally slip out of one of the employee's mouths.;) Everytime I got the usual, "I have no information about unisclosed future plans" or "Apple does not comment on rumors" response:mad: , but today I got "I recommend you coming back to our Apple Store to check for updates". I asked for more, but that's all I got.

Makes me wonder if mightymike's prediction is right.:confused:



macrumors 65816
Jan 14, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
LvNgLegeNd said:
Well, this is my 1st post on MaCRumors. :D So here it goes...

I have been waiting for "merom" in the MBP since July, and these rumors keep on getting my hopes high and then Apple comes and crushes them to the floor {WWDC, then every freaking Tuesday since}. But today I was stumbling upon Apple's Website, drooling over the new iMacs, debating on whether I should just buy one instead of a laptop, when I decided to go into the AppleChat, you know, the one that says "click here for advice". I've done this many times before and everytime I've done it, I've asked when Apple was planning on putting the Core 2 Duos in the MBP's, hoping something important would accidentally slip out of one of the employee's mouths.;) Everytime I got the usual, "I have no information about unisclosed future plans" or "Apple does not comment on rumors" response:mad: , but today I got "I recommend you coming back to our Apple Store to check for updates". I asked for more, but that's all I got.

Makes me wonder if mightymike's prediction is right.:confused:

Welcome. A lot of times peoples come here to post false things like "I know someone that works for apple and he said this and this" to get people going crazy, so seeing as this is your first post I'm not sure how many people belive you. I for one think it could be true and I hope it is. I guess onlt time will tell. But I honestly think it would be an overload if they did this. But again, I would LOVE for this to happen becuase Like you, i've been waiting since july and got my hopes up for WWDC and then every tuesday after that and I need the MBP for school soon, but because an update is SO COLSE I would feel bad buying one now. Anyway tomorrow we will see what happens.

Of Merom MBPs are annouced tommorow, this 14 year old is buying frink for everyone!


macrumors 603
Rocketman said:
Okay, I'll post.

Mac Book

Apple either is getting a new chip discount amounting to the equivelant of their entire past profit, or they had a supply agreement "leveling" the cost of Core 1 Duo chips such that they either must continue putting them in MacBooks for a few more months or more, or they must shift use of those chips to increased sales of Mac Minis.

I say a Core 2 Duo upgrade is NOT in the immediate horizon. Too bad too.

On the positive side this clearly differentiates MacBook from Mac Book Pro very soon.

Mac Book Pro "Merom" (Powerbook G6)

MacBook Pro (ala Powerbook) was neglected for so long that the very moment it can get Merom, it will. I say that announcement is GOING to happen in September. Besides it is a straight chip upgrade with no major motherboard mods. It will probably get an error correction Rev. in any case.


This is a wildcard. I believe the rumours that they will go to all dual core. The chip price has dropped to the point where single core is silly. Apple has a history of manufacturing crippleware. Are those days over?

As for both the Mac-Mini and the MacBook, the ability of Apple to declare the entire product line BOTH dual core and 64 bit compliant (Core 2 Duo "Merom") is compelling indeed. I say it will happen at WWDC 07.

X-serve and Mac Pro are stable.


Steve seems to have an afinity for the iMac (interim Mac) perhaps the iCEO will continue with that afinity and upgrade it to Merom just because he can at the same price point or so.

The alternative would be to keep it as is, maybe with insignificant speed bumps and SIGNIFICANTLY increase profit margins in light of decreased chip marginal cost on Core 1 Duo. That's what I would do. Demand is relatively inelastic. Perhaps an "upper end 23 inch + Merom" iMac. It will still be interim.

X-serve Mini and Mac-Midi.

There has been speculation of a Mac-Mini on steroids or with expandability. Good idea but not likely. Apple tends to be an "all-in one product company" good or bad.

The XSM has real market potential especially if they are themselves stackable ala the Mini. They would be headless. They could be marketed to SCHOOLS, executives, programmers, and IT geeks. It would be a great near zero development cost addition to the "pro" line. Also because it would be the "NeXT" of the Apple product line, given a luggable and expandable form factor WITH the SERVER version of the software, it would qualify for one more Steve Job-ism. Insanely Great!! And claims of reality distortion field would be nullified by actual performance and capabilities of the hardware and software. "Touche".

iPod video.

It's time for a screen centric ultra portable processor/storage device. an iPod and a remote control, an internet wireless device (hook your MacBook to it via cheater plug gigabit ethernet), hence a phone of sorts too. All functions in software/firmware and thus this one size fits all device can also be used for POS, Barcodes, Data collection and display in medical and scientific fields, etc. Emphasis on etc.

Make it so.

It is now so.
Rocketman said:
Many of my comments on chip adoption patterns are based on the fact that Core 1 and 2 Duo will be with us for 2-3 years minumum. Why not stretch the product line and leave one last vestage of Apple crippleware in place, by not upgrading QUITE as fast as possible from Core 1 to 2 in low-end products?



JRM PowerPod

macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2005
Outback Australia
CyberB0b said:
and October is the new September.

I'm starting to become confused. Apple is screwing with my mind.

Tuesday came and i thought, well, nothing till next week, but then wednesday came and my whole world collapsed, there were new iMacs and mini's. What the? The Gospel has been comprimised, the world is changing. This is so unfair.

Every Tuesday i'd get home from work to check for updates and if the store was down we would get updates and if it was still up there was always next tuesday.

Here come the PowerBook next Wednesday fanboys

steve jr.

macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2005
Akron, OH
here's how i see the tuesday keynote running.

basic recap of apple stores/visitors, etc.
how many ipods sold to date
recap of new iMac line.
update to MBP's and maybe MB's (about half of presentation)

one more thing...?
Movie Store and maybe (big maybe) new iPod


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2006
Los Angeles
steve jr. said:
here's how i see the tuesday keynote running.

basic recap of apple stores/visitors, etc.
how many ipods sold to date
recap of new iMac line.
update to MBP's and maybe MB's (about half of presentation)

one more thing...?
Movie Store and maybe (big maybe) new iPod

The movie iTunes/store is going to be what the whole event is about. It won't be the "one more thing..." part of the presentation.

Along with that will come the possibility of new widescreen video iPods, but most likely they'll be something along the lines of a storage bump.

We'll hear about new Nano's with larger storage.

Apple will also probably discuss their new airtunes/airmovies device that will work much like airtunes does.

There may not even be a "one more thing..." This isn't MacWorld.

I'm betting we won't see anything about macbooks or macbook pro's at this press event at all. Most likely, those will be press releases and quiet updates to the apple store site much like the iMacs were this past week. Whether that happens in the next few weeks I have no idea, but I doubt MB's and MBP's will be updated this Tuesday.


macrumors 603
Aug 29, 2006
Anyone else's nearby Apple store theatre section closed?

I'm just at the London Apple store - do any other stores have there theatre section closed for maintenance? Just wondering if it's got next week's goodies behind it, or if it's just routine... Guessin it's routine, but it'd be nice to go sit down and watch the webcast on Tuesday and see what's in store, quite literally hopefully :)


macrumors 68020
Jul 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
t0mat0 said:
I'm just at the London Apple store - do any other stores have there theatre section closed for maintenance? Just wondering if it's got next week's goodies behind it, or if it's just routine... Guessin it's routine, but it'd be nice to go sit down and watch the webcast on Tuesday and see what's in store, quite literally hopefully :)

I was at that store about a month ago and they were doing work. I don't think it is hinting at anything.

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