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macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2002
i had flirted with the idea of geting .Mac. I, being a poor student, had decided against it. NOW, after i had been expecting to communicate back and forth over a 2 day period to decide on huge plans with my group of friends only to find that my $hitty lycos web mail aco**** went down b4 noon monday and (after several pushbacks) isnt expected to be fixed till 1pm TOMMOROW. thats more than 48 hours of outtage. its ridiculous. I do sometimes NEED my email.

As a result ive decided to drop the 99$ and get .Mac for all of its features, but above all for a RELIABLE email addy that wont have spam and (knowing apple) will NEVER go down for 48 hours at a time, EVER.


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2002
i had flirted with the idea of geting .Mac. I, being a poor student, had decided against it. NOW, after i had been expecting to communicate back and forth over a 2 day period to decide on huge plans with my group of friends only to find that my $hitty lycos web mail acount went down b4 noon monday and (after several pushbacks) isnt expected to be fixed till 1pm TOMMOROW. thats more than 48 hours of outtage. its ridiculous. I do sometimes NEED my email.

As a result ive decided to drop the 99$ and get .Mac for all of its features, but above all for a RELIABLE email addy that wont have spam and (knowing apple) will NEVER go down for 48 hours at a time, EVER.


macrumors 6502
Feb 10, 2003
The savings in the software over the course of a year are worth the $99. First, virus programs run $50-70 retail, so Virex saves that. There are many games that are free or discounted throughout the year. And last year I took the promotion and bought Stuffit Delux for $39, which I think is a $30 savings over retail.

Add that into all the functionality and it is a great deal. iSynch is a great capability.

I have renewed and my wife plans on upgrading from an additional email account to a full account. She wants her own web space and the iSynch capability.


macrumors member
I'm getting .Mac. I think it's cool. I don't even have a Mac yet tho. but I have to put in my $0.02 about my ISP


Unlimited email accounts, 300 MB web space with ftp access, thousands of dial-in numbers, a true PPP-TCP/IP connection: no extra software... I could go on and on...
oh yeah
almost forgot

$10.00 a month
get it

Oh yeah, and 53.3 K connections here
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