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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 21, 2012

suddenly it started to reboot itself once in a day for a week. And today just turned off.
When trying to turn on it showed sign: Folder with question mark.

Then after 1h I turned on again and it boot up. I first checked Disk Utility and it was not showing SSD model it just showed disk identifier like: disk0s2

And one more thing I didn't find SMART status field

Pic 1: Disk Utility


Pic 2: All the info about Storage


Does it mean that SSD or motherboard is dying? What could you suggest me to do in this situation?

Thank you in advance!


macrumors 604
Aug 10, 2010
The symptoms sound similar to my trash can issues when the SSD was having serious issues a few years ago. Run Apple diagnostics and see what that says. You could also confirm whether it’s the SSD or something else by attempting to run your MacBook off an external drive, but one step at a time.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 21, 2012
The symptoms sound similar to my trash can issues when the SSD was having serious issues a few years ago. Run Apple diagnostics and see what that says. You could also confirm whether it’s the SSD or something else by attempting to run your MacBook off an external drive, but one step at a time
Hey thanks for reply, where I should run diagnostics from boot recovery or on utility disk? If you mean about utility disk it has no issues :)


macrumors 604
Aug 10, 2010
Hey thanks for reply, where I should run diagnostics from boot recovery or on utility disk? If you mean about utility disk it has no issues :)
I forgot the link. Follow these instructions

I would put good money on one of the temperature sensors. It is failing and causing this
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