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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 29, 2019
Hi Guys. I am considering a 27 inch monitor (BenQ 2720U) to use with my Macbook 2019 15 inch model. This monitor can supply up to 65 Watts through TB3 which i guess is not enough to charge my laptop under heavy loads (i think it needs 87 watts, right?)

So i plan to have the laptop connected to the outlet and use it in clamshell mode with an external mouse and keyboard connected.

My question is what’s happening when a MacBook stays connected to 2 power sources at the same time?

I guess it will ignore the TB3 input/output as a power source and just use the external power supply but is this actually the case? And is it safe to leave it like this for longer periods and just put it to sleep when not used?

And what if plug off the macbook’s external supply? Will the screen’s wattage by it’s self sustain the laptop in clamshell mode or it will go to sleep due to the lower input wattage?

Thanks in advance for your time.
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