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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 26, 2008
Hello everyone!

After doing a lot of googling about the the Macbook, I saw that many people posted that it was not able to sufficiently run WoW even at lower settings. It was not a deal breaker so I went and picked up the Macbook anyway.

Pre patch 2.4, even with all the settings down the FPS were pretty low (20's) in crowded areas and sometimes it would drop down to the teens while doing more intense runs.

After the 2.4 patch I noticed that my FPS average was higher (30's) and would often spike much higher. I used a cool /terminal command to lock the fps at 30 to keep the heat down. I also use an ice pad to keep the laptop (any laptop) cool when I'm stressing it.

The FPS would steady out a good bit higher in many places, but I feel that 30 is just perfect for WoW.

As of right now, I would recomend the new Macbooks for WoW as long as the person understood that this was at low settings. My observations are still a bit raw, but I will keep an eye on it and update my thread if I observe anythign to the contrary.

It would be great if we could get a few more people with the new X3100 based laptops to add their observations. These forums are a valuable resource for us newbs =)


macrumors 6502
Feb 18, 2008
i bought a blackbook yesterday. Waiting for my internet to be un-capped so i can patch and play WOW, could you please post your res/settings for me?



macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2007
Nottinghamshire, UK
I have mine running in a widescreen window, all settings on med. The game uses an outdated 3d engine, so even on low settings it looks good!

You can also run it a med at full screen 1280x800 with about 25-30 FPS.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 26, 2008
My settings.

I don't really see the point to posting my settings. I have yet to figure out the optimum settings. I am guessing I could turn a few options on and loose almost no frame rates, but for now I am just keeping everything set to the minimum.
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