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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 16, 2020
I've been thinking about buying my boyfriend a new computer for Christmas to replace his old 2012 base model Mac Mini. He primarily uses it for Logic Pro X. Here are some issues, just listed out to save time:
- It's gotten to the point where it runs Logic super slow, if at all
- He doesn't like the fact that it's a desktop, and said he would use a laptop more often
- Has sworn he wouldn't accept any gift over $1,000 and would make me return anything too expensive (or else I would've gotten him the 2020 model of what I have, 2019 Macbook Pro 13" with all the upgrades, which I use for Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign/Logic, etc., and which he absolutely loves)
- He's been talking about how he should get a new computer for two years and complains about his current one on a daily basis, but will still defend that lil Mac Mini/Mac Minis in general to the death if anyone else says anything about it lol
- He has a 2TB SSD external hard drive, so storage isn't really an issue with whatever I get him.

So the question is, should I get him a Macbook Air with the M1 processor and hope it can cope with Logic (he said he'd use a laptop more often anyway, he doesn't like having to sit at a desk whenever he wants to use a computer), or get him a new Mac Mini (which he loves, but it would mean he's still confined to his desk).


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2013
Wait until the first user reviews start popping up. So far all we have been given is the PR from Apple. Real world usage is still an unknown. There are a lot of hardware imposed limitations with these new M1s that don't exist on the previous models (RAM, ports, et al). You may find that 6 months from now the next generation chip is far better for his needs than this one is. These are purely entry level machines. Does he consider himself and entry level user?
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