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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2007
I was just wondering if the macbook has the proper capabilities for what I want to do.

Ive been tossing up between the macbook and macbook pro's for quite a while, waiting for both of them to be updated (i was waiting before even the last macbook update). The macbook holds the appeal of its smaller size and case/keyboard, but im worried that it wont be able to handle what i can throw at it.

So, ontop of my everyday using at uni (taking notes, surfing the web etc), i also wanted a notebook capable of recording and editing sound, which is what im wondering. Is the macbook powerful enough to handle this? Also, im doing a media and communications degree which requires use of photoshop/illustrator etc, and some smaller video editing.

Is it worth getting a normal macbook (if it cant handle it all), and then purchasing a mac pro for home, or killing two birds with one stone in the macbook pro? (my emac, despite upgrades is getting very sluggish).

I was thinking of getting the midrange macbook pro (15inch) or the blackbook.
Im sick of waiting for updates to be released, as it seems like the never ending story, and I know ill be happy with either of these machines. Just want to know which one will suit my needs better.

Money is not really an issue here, just wanting to get the best product for myself.

Thanks for your help.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
Go with the MacBook. You're not doing anything that needs a dedicated video card.

Get an external monitor for graphic work using the money you saved.


macrumors 65816
Oct 31, 2006
From what you described - the Macbook should be fine. The only downside of the Macbook compared to Macbook Pro is the graphics card. If you are not into playing high end games the graphics card in the Macbook is adequate.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2007
So logic express 8 will work fine on the 2.4Ghz processor?

The monitor is actually a good idea, i hadnt thought of that. Thanks.
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