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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2008
Howdy all.

I recently bought a macbook, and set it up with my home network by ethernet cable. I have the internet connected to my PC, and other computers (including my macbook) connect to it via router.

At the beginning all went well, i got the internet working and i could see all the other PCs from the network, the problem is that now i can't see them, i still have the internet shared but i can't find them in the finder.

Anyway any reply would be nice, i searched for it in here and on Apple discussion, but it seems that usually the problem is with internet so i couldn't find anything that would help me.

Thanks in advance.

PS: Sorry for the poor english, not my main language.


macrumors regular
Feb 13, 2008
I am assuming you are running your home network on a workgroup and not a domain correct? Also, have you recently done an upgrade from Tiger to Leopard or have you had Leopard the whole time? Keep me posted.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2008
Hello, yes im running a network on a workgroup, were my PC is connected to the internet and sharing it. That PC is then connected to a router so all the other devices can access the internet (atm is my brother PC and my Macbook.

I just bought a new 2.4 Macbook so im all new to the mac thing.


macrumors regular
Feb 13, 2008
Try disabling Leopards firewall. Go into system preferences, click on security, click on firewall and select allow all incoming traffic. See if you can see the other PCs then.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2008
I already had the the firewall set to allow all the incoming traffic, anyway i got it working, needed to reconfigure the networking settings on my PC. Hope it doesn't happen again.

Thanks for all the help m8.


macrumors regular
Feb 13, 2008
What kind of configurations did you have to change? So that we can know for future problems like this one.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2008
On my PC i went to network connections and follow the wizard to set up my actual connection.


macrumors 604
Aug 28, 2007
San Francisco California, USA
Good to know...

On my PC i went to network connections and follow the wizard to set up my actual connection.

Thanks! (Don't worry about your English here; just type whatever and we should be able to help you. Rule #12 for MacRumors reminds us "not all of us are fluent English speakers (something along those lines)" so be respectful of everyone, regardless of their "English As A Second Language" situation.) Great post by the way. :cool:
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