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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 6, 2018
My macbook pro 13 mid 2012 (macbook 9,2) have several problems... I will narrate all the weird problems my Mac have been facing since I bought it.... I apologize in advance for the really long post...

Just 3 months after purchase, problems started, and since then it just being a long story of pilling problems that had made what could had been a great experience a very dissapointing a frustrating one...

It all started with the trackpad acting up... I fixed it... a couple of months later it stopped working... I fixed it again... All this fixes were under warranty... But it did'nt end there and the worst was yet to come... and of course... after warranty... Up until now, even with this problems, I was happy with my purchase...

Again this problems happened after my warranty expired, after 1.5 or so years the backlight started acting up and after 4-5 weeks of doing so, it stopped working. I tried smc and pram reset and reinstalling osx but it never worked again.. for no reason... it just stopped working... I figured out it the Mac worked just fine with an external monitor so I accepted my new desktop.... After been using it with the monitor for a couple of days...I noticed some flickering... I connected it to another monitor to see if it was the monitor or my Mac.... of course it was the Mac... I noticed that I could get it to go away by restaring it.... But later on that trick stopped working too, so I went on and reinstalled the osx.... and the flickering went away, until one day I restared it and it was back, worst than before... so now, not only my laptop was a bad underpowered desktop, but I could not even restart it or turn it off because the next time I turn it on it will flicker and be reaaally slow....and I had to boot into recovery and reinstall the osx everytime that for any reason it did a restart.... It was the only way I could fix it.. Also, right about the same time all the keys left to the 0 (in the same row) stopped working... again for no reason.... Back to the flickering, it mysteriously stopped happening when I updated to mojave and after months, I could finally restart without problem!!

And so I was happy using my desktop for some days until lastly, some weird stuff started happening.... I always use my Mac plugged in, lid closed, with the external monitor... but now when I open the lid the Mac shuts down... If I try to turn it on with the lid open it makes the boot sound, shows the logo and then, it shuts down... The only way to make it boot all the way is to turn it on and closed the lid quickly with the monitor connected... and like I said, cant open the lid while using it, it turns off automactically....

So here's the thing... before this last problem started... you see I wanted my laptop back (laptop display working) .... so I started looking in the Internet... I was scared to do anything on my own... So I took it to a certified Apple store here in Dominican Repúblic... two Actually... one said it was the gpu and that they could not fix it, the other one said that it was the logic board and was asking for almost 900 dollars......I mean, I paid 1000 or something for this laptop when I bougth it new, so there was no way I will pay that amount to "fix it", I migh as well go buy a new one... If I had the money, but I dont....

So with that price in mind, and mistrust for the technicians in my country, the fear of doing anything on my own went away.... So I decided to try change the lvds cable, since I found it as a posible solution online...and was a cheper option... and I did change it.... (But I crack the glass protector..) And then after 2-3 days of using it, is when the turning off problems with the lid started...

So yeah, there's that now... any idea why this is happening? Also any recomendation on how to fix the no backlight and keyboard??

I've been considering to buy a replacement logic board and a keyboard on amazon for like 250 total..... But I mean, wil it be worth it?? Will you recomend it?? I have read this logic board have problems.... Considering all the problems this computer has....should I Just give up on her... Let her rest and buy a new one... (it works well if I dont open it, I used cinebench and geekbench and gpu and cpu works ok...if that helps.... )

All I will be able to get is affordable Windows laptop (I need/want a laptop not a desktop!) and is really sad and frustrating.... I made an effort to buy this Mac... I really like the os... built and even more the screen, I'm a graphic designer. I expent 1000 dollars for a premium laptop with the idea in mind that it would last 4+ years .... I see so many people happy with 5+plus years old macs... (heck, my brother's Windows laptop is like 6+ years old and is still running and rendering like when it was new...) I just accepted I had bad luck or my Mac was assemble in the depths of hell....

Anyways, any help/recomendation will be really welcome...again sorry for the long post... had to take it out ....

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