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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 11, 2016
Hey guys, I have a weird one for you.

Over the past month my Macbook has started to shut down very unexpectedly. I could be in the middle of some light browsing and BAM, its gone. There isn't any commonality either - sometimes I could be using it for 2 hours with no problems, other times I can only get a minute out of it. (For example it has shut down 4 times while I was writing this)

I've tried everything I could think of. Reset the SMC, the PRAM and Reinstalled Sierra twice. I can boot into Safe Mode and get more time out of it but still, eventually it usually shuts off. Finally I decided to wipe my harddrive, run first aid (no problems with any of my disks), and re-install Sierra - it worked for a few hours, and then BAM, it cut out. I'll note the apps I reinstalled:

Adobe Photoshop & Audition & Creative Cloud Evernote Google Nix Collection ^ Thats it, thats all the software on my Mac currently.

Here, however, is where things get REALLY WEIRD

I have bootcamp up and running and whenever I boot into Windows my computer works fine, I can use it for days with no issue. Also, when my mac is plugged into an external monitor I can run Sierra fine with no issue. The issue only occurs when I'm booted into Sierra and I'm not plugged into an external monitor of some sorts. Important thing to note here is that I do take very good care of my computer but a year ago my friend spilled a little bit of beer onto my computer. I shut it off, flipped it onto its front and waited 4 days and I haven't had any issue. I can't see how that would cause this issue but I thought it was important to note. I know this is really a baffling situation but any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated. I'm really struggling here.
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