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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2011

I have a 2017 Mac Book Pro and I'm experiencing a weird issue. I noticed that my headphones were cutting out in the left channel in the headphone jack. I ended up getting new headphones and the same issue happens where if you move the cord, it will cut out and I have to keep moving the cord to get it to work again.

I thought it might be the headphone jack itself until I got a Scarlett 2I2 USB Interface and I experience the same issue with audio cutting out when moving my headphone cord while it's hooked up to the Scarlett and the audio routing through the Scarlett via USB.

Is it possible there's a hardware issue with my soundcard shorting out? The issue only seems to happen when the cord is moved regardless of whether it's hooked up via the headphone jack or through a USB sound interface.

Troubleshooting attempted:

New headphones, New 3.5 adapter, tried killing Core audio via terminal.

Any info would be appreciated.



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Have you considered that it might be a faulty connection in the headphone plug itself...?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"why does the same issue occur via a USB Audio Interface that is hooked up to my MacBook?"

Well... are you using the same set of headphones?
Do you have A DIFFERENT PAIR of phones you could try?
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