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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 31, 2005
Well... the title say it all ;) Besides that, the name is pretty lame if you ask me, and the upper bezel looks ugly because it's so thick... I also don't like the fact that the iSight has yet another LED there, I always loved how the Powerbook only had one LED on the front which also only lit up in standby mode.
But then, the built-in iSight is awesome, and the speed should be fantastic. Let's see ;) I'll get an iMac first anyway, will be a good partner for my Rev. E Powerbook.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2002
Somewhere out there
Million dollar questions..

First: Will we still be able to use this Mac as an external FW disc, or boot from FW/USB drives?

Second: Can one Dual Boot Windows on this machine?

Third: How long before the Dells of the world are running OSX?

In all reality, I get the impression that this and the iMac have really just been released as an interim release to the development community and the bleeding edge crowd.

After looking at the MacBook for a bit, I have come to the conclusion that Apple isn't yet serious about shipping these in numbers. I think this is more of a test to see what people will want.

Anyone remember how they handled OS X.0 and OS X.1 ?

I see a parallel here.

On another point, notice they are not comparing anything to the G5 PowerMacs? I think testing will find some areas where even the G4 matched at speed will kick the duo. Sad, as Altivec was superior, but alas, Apple had NO choice but to move.

I just hope Apple does not become Intel's Bitch.



macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2002
Somewhere out there

OSX 10.0 was release. Little was available natively for it, and Apple more or less released it with many issues. This version and OS X.1 were not even installed on new Macs from the factory, as Apple knew that there were compatibility issues. Finally Apple took very strange steps to make sure people got off OS X.0 such as allowing CompUSA burn copies on demand in the store when OS X.1 was released.

Many people didn't even look at OS X until OS X.2 when it actually became a really decent OS. This was the release where Jobs brought out the OS 9 casket on stage. Great bit of theatrics.

I have a choice of a Quad PM, or this little beauty. While I am torn, I will probably go for the PM, and Beta Test any software in the near future.



macrumors member
Dec 28, 2005
I just bought a MBP!!!

I know the name of this forum gives us the right to confabulate and guess but I will give a vote to Apple and don't listen those rumors about Rev A, bla, bla, bla!!! C'amon!! They've just released a goddamn awesome machine that can beat nearly ALL PCs around!!!!! I can imagine what PC's people are thinking right know!!! Even Sony's computers don’t get a bit close!!!! And you guys are already finding bad features just by looking at a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally: for those who just got a PB 15''...I'm sorry...There's no excuse that justify...I had to wait 45 days with no computer just to check what would be release and I don't regret at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2005
They've just released a goddamn awesome machine that can beat nearly ALL PCs around!!!!!​

Do you mean PCs or Intel based laptops? That's quite a statement, did you get that off Apple's site?


macrumors member
Dec 28, 2005
bzollinger said:
They've just released a goddamn awesome machine that can beat nearly ALL PCs around!!!!!​

Do you mean PCs or Intel based laptops? That's quite a statement, did you get that off Apple's site?

I'm comparing laptops x laptops!


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2005
I remember being in 7th grade using Mac OS X.0. It wasn't good for anything. Does anyone remember the beta version of Mac OS X?
Then I got the x.1 disc and that was much better.
After x.3, everything was good and I never booted back to OS 9.


macrumors G5
maxvamp said:
Second: Can one Dual Boot Windows on this machine?
Apple have previously said NO
maxvamp said:
Third: How long before the Dells of the world are running OSX?
Apple have preciously said Never

maxvamp said:
On another point, notice they are not comparing anything to the G5 PowerMacs?
Well, yeah -- apart from the obvious non-comparison between a tower and a laptop, why would they crater the sales of their professional models by drawing a comparison? If it were favorable to the Intel Dual cores, then everyone would stop buying the G5s and you'd have your Osborne effect.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2002
Somewhere out there
Originally Posted by maxvamp
Second: Can one Dual Boot Windows on this machine?

Apple have previously said NO

Actually, I think they said they would not prevent or support the installation of Windows. Furthermore, I believe they did support dual boot on the dev boxes.

Originally Posted by maxvamp
Third: How long before the Dells of the world are running OSX?

Apple have preciously said Never

I guess I should have asked if anyone wanted to take bets on how soon it will be before there is a hacker enabled version of OSX running on a DELL.

Originally Posted by maxvamp
On another point, notice they are not comparing anything to the G5 PowerMacs?

Well, yeah -- apart from the obvious non-comparison between a tower and a laptop, why would they crater the sales of their professional models by drawing a comparison? If it were favorable to the Intel Dual cores, then everyone would stop buying the G5s and you'd have your Osborne effect.

I could see them comparing these to the PowerMac line, since both are part of the professional series. My bet is that they didn't do such a comparison for the same reason they didn't show what the Battery life is on the new MacBook. It is not favorable Information.

I honestly would get a new MacBook if I had the disposable income. While I think that there will be significant changes in the Rev 'B' of this unit, I think that this will be a decent unit. I just would like to see a couple of the old features back, and I can almost promise you that when it comes to the Production Suite, People will see some performance differences on the down side when it come to Intel.

On the Brighter side, Any deficit in Intel vs. PPC will vanish in the next couple of years due to the evolution of the Intel Processor, and the demise of the PPC.



macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 31, 2005
CanadaRAM said:
maxvamp said:
Second: Can one Dual Boot Windows on this machine?
Apple have previously said NO
Wrong, they have confirmed Windows would run and in fact, you can install and run it on Intel Macs.


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
maxvamp said:
I guess I should have asked if anyone wanted to take bets on how soon it will be before there is a hacker enabled version of OSX running on a DELL.

There is already a cracked version of OSX x86 floating around that many people have gotten their hands on and cracked.


macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2005
One Endless Loop
Bottom line is that this machine is a standard pc. Its not faster than any other core duo notebook at the same clock speed and OSX for intel might as well be a beta app as far as I am concerned as there is NO SOFTWARE available that runs natively on it. I would wait until Christmas to buy one of these. Nice machine, just not ready for real computing.
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