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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
An update came out a week ago but it won't run on Mojave and I see they are stripping all the good stuff from it anyway.

I would be inclined to remove it as my main reason for always having it was for Time Machine and Caching but these have been built in for a while.


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2016
Zurich, Switzerland
Since even Jabber/XMPP support has been removed, I think "macOS Server" (better the server App, since server edition has already been dropped) will die like the xServes soon. Cashcows are the iDevices, MacBooks and watches - unfortunately everything synced to the iCloud with any type of plan for more space.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
Yeah, I have a feeling you are right.

I think I'll look for a clean way of removing it although I might have to scan for system plists since the darned thing won't start enough to select stop on all the services :(


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2016
Zurich, Switzerland
Can feel with you, missing new cinema Displays, OSX Server with xServes... Moved from Linux to OSX, maybe next unbelivable to Windows... Every 10 years a move :-l

Edit: Sure, but with less services


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
Well I've been using docker on Mac for a while and have to say if you want server services it's probably the way forward and beats having to find/stabilise ports for projects that only had Linux in mind.

A bit cleaner than a ton of brew or macports too.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
OK, I hadn't realised until now they even moved XCode Server out of macOS Server so it's very unlikely that I would need anything remaining and to be honest I think they'll rehome the last couple of features and remove the product.

Here's the, fairly badly advertised, user manual page for Server on manual removing it for anybody wishing to tidy up properly.


macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2016
Zurich, Switzerland
Yep, it‘s like removing xmpp... everything less attractive to Pros and Devs... Soon it‘s so restricted that Even regular customers will run away


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2010
State of ~Aloha!~
I have macOS Server 5.7.1 currently installed and running on my MacMini on Sierra. I'm considering trying it on my MBPs with Mojave. Just not sure of the advantages it would provide. Mahalo.


macrumors 68030
Jan 3, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
I have macOS Server 5.7.1 currently installed and running on my MacMini on Sierra. I'm considering trying it on my MBPs with Mojave. Just not sure of the advantages it would provide. Mahalo.
If I remember correctly, Serra was the last "full" implementation of the Server interface before Apple started deprecating and deleting features or migrating them into Preferences>Sharing.

The current server UI is useless for organizations. It makes remote admins very difficult. I hope there is a Open Source or a third party stepping in.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2010
State of ~Aloha!~
If I remember correctly, Serra was the last "full" implementation of the Server interface before Apple started deprecating and deleting features or migrating them into Preferences>Sharing.

The current server UI is useless for organizations. It makes remote admins very difficult. I hope there is a Open Source or a third party stepping in.

I've been using macOS server for my "private" farm (not organization). Too bad about the difficulty on remote administation. I hope so too about open source and 3rd party options.

Thanks for your response.


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
I have macOS Server 5.7.1 currently installed and running on my MacMini on Sierra. I'm considering trying it on my MBPs with Mojave. Just not sure of the advantages it would provide. Mahalo.
I can’t imagine any reason you’d need to install it on multiple computers. What are you hoping it might do?
Also, Server 5.7.1 only runs on Mojave, so if you’re running Sierra, you’re running a much older version of Server.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2010
State of ~Aloha!~
I can’t imagine any reason you’d need to install it on multiple computers. What are you hoping it might do?
Also, Server 5.7.1 only runs on Mojave, so if you’re running Sierra, you’re running a much older version of Server.

Not trying to install it on multiple computers. Just one so I could test the latest 5.7.1. The point is I need to see the advantages and then decide to transition from Sierra to Mojave server functions if they are worth it.


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
Not trying to install it on multiple computers. Just one so I could test the latest 5.7.1. The point is I need to see the advantages and then decide to transition from Sierra to Mojave server functions if they are worth it.
Mojave does a lot less than Sierra server. Most of the useful functions in a home environment are now either built into the base OS, or are removed from Server.


macrumors 68040
Mar 1, 2018
Somewhere between 0 and 1
If server edition of Mac OS is so poor as you speak, I would merge it's features into regular Mac OS.

That would be logical thing to do. Might increase the installer package by one GB or less, but that's all.

Now, Apple is rather going to kill server Mac OS completely. They do not seem to bother with such things anymore. iPhone/iPad and Watch are their main concern now.


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
Now, Apple is rather going to kill server Mac OS completely. They do not seem to bother with such things anymore. iPhone/iPad and Watch are their main concern now.
The features that are left are targeted at iOS device management.
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