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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 2, 2018
I have a MacPro 1,1 (2006) that I still use for video editing with a modified Nvidia GT 660 card (2GB vram). It works fine, but it does not restart from the OS command (Apple Menu or for instance when I have to restart the machine after the installation of software or when I have to choose a different startup disc). When I do this, the machine starts up, but after the chime sound it remains making a clicking noise as if it looks for a CD in the drive. And no boot. I always have to push the power button in order to turn off the MacPro and turn it on again. Then it restarts and boots "normally".
Has anyone a similar issue and have found the solution?


macrumors 68020
Feb 21, 2017
Back End of Beyond
Are you sure the clicking noise isn't coming from the hard drive? Could be a failing hard drive. Do you have an application like SMART Utility that can read the SMART data? If not you can download SMART Utility, it has a trial period, and see if it reports any problems with the hard drive.


macrumors 68000
Dec 12, 2005
+ sounds like your copy of osx is on a hard drive that is about to fail.
id think about backing up your data fast if it's not backed up


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 2, 2018
Hi, thanks for your quick responses! It's not the hard drive, because the clicking sound comes from the Superdrive reader / writer and a green LED blinks below the cd-tray. Once I opened the tray during the boot process and inserted an old OS CD. The clicking noise stopped and the MacPro started reading the CD. It didn't boot, but it was the proof that the noise came from the Superdrive trying to read from a CD / DVD. I ejected the CD, then force turned off the MacPro and turned it on again. It started and booted. The problem comes only when I select Restart from the Apple Menu or from the System Preferences.

Anyway, I'll check the SMART status of the drive with TechTool Pro and let you know.


macrumors 68000
Dec 12, 2005
may be a bad install of osx?

try booting in to safe mode then seeing if you can restart from there, that will ahow if you have installed some bad app that is giving you problem or if it's the OS install or hardware


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 2, 2018
After installing the new web driver for the Nvidia Video Card I had to restart the machine and it worked this time. I could restart without turning it off. I'll report any other issue.


macrumors 68000
Dec 12, 2005
well safe boot can be used to find problems like this as with a safe boot extra drivers (like the nvidia one) are not loaded.
ie if you can safe boot then try to "restart' and it works then you know it's a app/driver that is not part of osx.

iv used this to trouble shoot random restarts and shutdowns in the past/
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