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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 11, 2011
I have read through the forums and it looks like it is impossible at this moment. @tsialex told me condescendingly that OpenCore doesn't just magically make this possible (For context: That ended the conversation there. I have been able to run Catalina up until 10.15.3 on an Amfeltec Squid Carrier board with RAID0 by instructions from this thread ( but that stopped working with 10.15.4 update, so it is not entirely impossible (may be as of now). I am more eager to see if it possible to run Catalina on it since OpenCore works well with Catalina as of now and there is hope for future security updates for Catalina with OpenCore on Mac Pro 5,1.

But what I want to try is that if I make two APFS containers in each other and the outermost would be the RAID GUID partition and having another GUID partition inside it and making the innermost one as an internal looking drive using OpenCore and see if I can install Catalina or Big Sur on it. Any idea if this is gonna work or not? Is it worth a try?

No particular reason why I want to run the OS off of the RAID.
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