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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 5, 2005
Loading... Loading... Loading...

I am web developer for a school and of course as much as we don't want to be we must be kind to those (cough) dial-up challenged people :). No offense to all readers who are unable to ubtain "normal" internet. Anyway, I had a loading question regarding Flash. This may be to indepth for this forumn however I am not sure. Does Flash load the entire Flash page before it is viewable or does it allow for individual scenes to load when they are accessed?

Thanks for your help! Any insight is much appreciated.


PBook 17" 1.67 ghz - 1.5 gb ram - 100 gb HD on a Dell 19" W1900 LCD_TV


macrumors 6502a
May 5, 2005
It loads as it's being opened. However, you can choose how to limit this. Pre-loaders can make the page hold until the whole file is loaded or a percentage is loaded. Alternatively, if you break the scenes into seperate swfs and link them then the viewer will only load the files they want.

Hope that helps.
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