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macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
The Macromedia "tax" has steadily lessened... I'll probably get at least 2 of the new apps.

Lately, can release Director projects without "Made With Macromedia" marking. Thank you!

Lately, you can author Windows executables using Mac Director. Thank you!

Lately, you can upgrade several Macromedia apps at once at a lower cost.

And best of all, lately, you can get the upgrade price even if you skip a version!

That helps most of my pricing gripes. If the features are good, I'm there!

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
I'll upgrade my Dreamweaver and Flash, if they release a finished product this time and not a rushed out, buggy piece of crap that was MX 2004.

I skipped 2004, but I have to use it at work, and I hate it with such passion that it's almost comical.

Glad to hear about the upgrade pricing schemes.
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