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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2006

I am work for a teen program and we are buying Macs for our new graphic/movie/music production program.

We are getting in the IMac G5 and also so old PowerMac g3 400mhz.
My question is with the upgrades available for the Powermac G3(1ghz processor upgrade, pci slot sata harddrive, pci video card) would this be sufficient for running Garage Band in ILife 5 or 6? Also would it be sufficient for running Logic 7 or Digi 002?
Please help, I have to let my boss know so we will know if to use the IMacs for the music production part or not.


Macs are cool

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
The iMacs will be so much better at Garageband it's ridiculous. I don't even think that iLife 06 will install on a G3. Logic is even more demanding so maybe just use the iMacs. :eek:


macrumors 68030
Jan 8, 2005
On the moon.
The 1 GHz G4 chip sucks.

It downclocks the bus from 100MHz, to 66MHz, there-by crippling the hell out of the machine. The G4 is bogged down due to the slow bus speed when communicating with the outside world, so its not worth it. If your going to spend money to upgrade it, your best bet is the 600 MHz G4 chip from Daystar.

Though its probably not worth sinking a few hundred into a Mac thats worth about 100. :(


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2006
So what would be the best use for the G3's? Should we still upgrade them? Should we use it as a file server or master controller for connecting our IMacs?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2006
Also we will have 800mhz G4 Imacs, would the upgrades for those be good for music or anything?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2006
No, We are getting some G4 IMacs 800Mhz too. So we will have some G5 IMacs, some Powermac g3's 400mhz, and some IMac G4's 800 Mhz. Want to know if the IMac G4's can be used for music production with processor upgrades.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
The iMacs will be okay for music editing but ReanimationLP mentions, CPU upgrades are expensive and just make room for more bottlenecks. Having said that, if you already have the upgrades then certainly put them in the iMacs and see how things go. :)
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