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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 28, 2005
I'll be attending MWSF, largely for the Steve Jobs Keynote. Around what time does the line start forming? I'd hate to get there and not get in because there were too many people.


macrumors newbie
Apr 29, 2005
I'm in the same position. This is my first Macworld and I want to make sure I get into the Keynote. I believe I recall hearing that some of the last people to get into the main room last year got in line around 6:15. Another question I had was they let you into the Moscone Center that early to get in line, right? The line dosen't start forming outside does it?

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
The hours the doors at the Moscone Center open should be listed in the information you get with your badge, which will arrive in the mail if you register far enough ahead. Also, you can drop by the Moscone Center the evening before and ask at the registration area.


Administrator/Project Manager
Staff member
Sep 6, 2003
New England
when i saw the keynote in 2005 (i didn't have to stand in line to see it in 2006 - that was a nice change), i got in line around 6:30 am. the line starts forming *outside* and by the time i got there, the line was already winding around the corner of the building. they did open the doors of the moscone center fairly early (don't remember the exact time, but it was still dark out) and allowed the line to snake around inside.

the doors to actually get into the hall where the keynote is held opened just about 10 minutes before it was scheduled to start, and it was a madhouse! all of the fabulous seats up front are reserved for the media and VIPs. i was by myself and ended up chatting to the person next to me in line and we worked out a little tag team plan beforehand - he found a pair of seats for us right away and held them while i scouted up closer to the stage for better seats. once i found some, i called him over and he relinquished the first pair of seats he'd found. definitely beats rushing around trying to find the best seats possible and then finding nothing in the madness and ending up sitting on the floor...
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