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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Oct 13, 2012
Hi with my job I have a lot of downtime, so I’m always on my iPhone(15 pro now). I’m always streaming and other apps. I currently have an Anker wireless battery pack, usbc to usbc. I start my job at 5:00am and if there’s nothing going on, I could be at 40-50% by 9:00am. That’s when I start charging my iPhone, if there’s nothing going on I’ll keep it plugged into battery pack until I leave or keep it plugged in majority of the time. This way when I get home I have almost at full charge. By charging this way my previous iPhone 12 battery degraded to 80% in like 2.5 years and replaced the battery.

I like the idea of the MagSafe wireless battery pack because it seems like a 5000 mAh it will fit into a work pants cell phone pocket. A 10k one might be too thick. I would buy at least 2 maybe 3 of the 5k ones.

Anyone have experience charging their iPhones this way? Would MagSafe be ok to charge and keep charged in my situation? Thanks!
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