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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2012
Hey - I have a client who has upgraded their macs and they noticed that when they are composing emails in Mail app that the "From" Address will change to one of the other email addresses they use from the same domain. Eg will change to while they compose the email. There used to be a setting that managed this behaviour but I can not see it - or anything similar. It's IMAP email from a CPanel email system.
Anybody seen a similar issue or have any thought? Head scratcher!

Thanks in advance!


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 17, 2012
Check the "send new messages from" setting.
Thanks for this link. I think when I forced myself to read the settings document properly, the behaviour of it changing made sense. The issue was I was sending to emails that had been recipients in the past from one of the other email addresses so now I realise that was correcting me / Err - correctly! Long day.
Cheers for the guidance.
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