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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 4, 2011
I am a fan of email clients that sort mail by 'date', then 'sender'. This is similar to by 'date', then 'conversation', but it has all the email associated with the sender 'behind' it, not just that conversation. Unibox does this but I am having unanswered-by-support issues with it whereby when I open an email, the page is blank and I can only see the email by clicking on 'reply' or 'forward'. The sequence I am *hoping* for is something like, click on an email in the inbox, right click, and have the option to click something that brings up all the email from that sender in the right-hand pane. Is there such a path in Apple Mail?

Over the decades, I have tried many other email clients, but I haven't delved into them of late to see if there have been updates and improvements. I want it on my desktop, not browser-based. I don't care about 'team' and 'collaborative' features which is where most dev seems to be concentrated. (This question is specific to MacOS; the solutions are better in iOS apps, but I like managing my mail from my MBP.)

TIA for your collective wisdom.
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