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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 1, 2003
My iMac G5 (10.4.3) has been running absolutely fine and dandy without a hitch since I bought it. A wwk ago I installed the security update, rebooted and nothing. A black screen, the gong goes, the hard drive starts going into overdrive, the black screen remains. Took around 20 reboots to get the screen on. Then the finder froze. Long story short, have rebooted around 250 times over 5 days to get it to log in again with the screen on. I notice a number of other users have had white screen/boot up issues in the last few days - anyway I can uninstall the security update, and go back to my life of Mac bliss?


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
San Diego (Jamul), Ca
Have you tried booting from the system CD (put it in, restart, hold down the C key)?

Once that's up you can re-install the system and that should help (then you'd need to reset your other settings such as internet, etc.). But that's better than a black screen, full-on fans, and so on. You might just be able to reinstall the system itself.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 1, 2003
Yes, eventually booted the machine back up so I could switch it on. Trouble is the issue still remains - I know as soon as I have to reboot again, the same thing is going to happen. It's a real pain - that's why I was wondering if there was any way to uninstall the security update, or find out what the conflict is?


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2002
San Diego (Jamul), Ca
If you can get the machine to boot without the system CD, then go on to Apple and see if there is a new security patch that fixes the problem (I don't think they can be uninstalled, like the QuickTime 7 issue). If not, then best thing to do (afaik) is to reboot with the system CD and reinstall the system. That should wipe out any bad stuff.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2004
of my hand will get me slapped.
gschumsky said:
If you can get the machine to boot without the system CD, then go on to Apple and see if there is a new security patch that fixes the problem (I don't think they can be uninstalled, like the QuickTime 7 issue). If not, then best thing to do (afaik) is to reboot with the system CD and reinstall the system. That should wipe out any bad stuff.

Seems like the needs to reinstall OSX is becoming more frequent.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
Stan said:
My iMac G5 (10.4.3) has been running absolutely fine and dandy without a hitch since I bought it. A wwk ago I installed the security update, rebooted and nothing. A black screen, the gong goes, the hard drive starts going into overdrive, the black screen remains. Took around 20 reboots to get the screen on. Then the finder froze. Long story short, have rebooted around 250 times over 5 days to get it to log in again with the screen on. I notice a number of other users have had white screen/boot up issues in the last few days - anyway I can uninstall the security update, and go back to my life of Mac bliss?

Disk Warrior or fsck to repair your directory. ;)
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