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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 11, 2016
Yesterday I was troubleshooting a family sharing issue with Apple and they advised me to sign out of iCloud and back in on my MacBook Pro. Today, I realized that iCloud Photos wasn't turned back on, so I attempted to turn it back on.

I have 80 full resolution gb of photos and videos on my SSD. I do not have unlimited broadband. These photos are also all in the iCloud. Somehow, macOS doesn't realize this and reports that I no longer have enough free space to store my originals locally.

I have been escalated to a senior advisor who has reached out to the engineers at Apple, but the writing on the wall is that I'm going to have to delete my local library and re-download the entire library from the cloud. That is horrifying. It doesn't make sense to me that signing out of iCloud momentarily could create such a headache, but I wanted to post this as a warning
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