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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
plug-in page

not too long ago, this guy put a post up at gearslutz about an EQ plug he wrote. simple operation with an untimed (but feature-limited) demo.


more recently he released a tape saturator plug:


i did a mix last night and tried out both of these plugs fairly extensively. i'm not much of a plug-in guy (prefer hardware or just going without), but i thought these did a real nice job.

the only suck ass part was, not having read the instructions very clearly, i lost all my settings when i closed the session (oops). i bought them today, only $69 each, so i now have that save functionality, among other functionality.

RTAS and TDM only right now (i.e. ProTools), but i think he's working on another format. sorry, i can't recall if it's VST or AU.

anyway, just thought i'd give everyone a heads up.
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