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Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
According to an Apple tech (Menlo Park Mall Apple Store) as well as a 1-800-my-appl(I think that is the number) customer service rep it is indeed possible but I can't personally attest to it on the mac side of things but it is 100% do-able in windows which to me further confirms that it can be done in OSX.

In that case, SLI / Crossfire is confirmed for you in OS X as well. Please test it out and let your fellow forum members know. Thanks.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2004
According to an Apple tech (Menlo Park Mall Apple Store) as well as a 1-800-my-appl(I think that is the number) customer service rep it is indeed possible but I can't personally attest to it on the mac side of things but it is 100% do-able in windows which to me further confirms that it can be done in OSX.

Yes, you can mix cards. The misconception was started by an Apple Developer's note that was later amended to remove the misconception. You can have an ATI X1900XT and an Nvidia Geforce 7300 in one Mac Pro, it's already been done.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2004
I'm pretty sure you cannot run 4 30'' displays from 2 x1900s, because the way the distribution of bandwidth to the PCIe slots works makes it so only one of the slots is fast enough to support two 30'' displays.

If I'm wrong, someone please say so by giving more than conjecture.

Wrong. An 8x lane PCIe slot can run 2 30" displays with no problem. So you would have one X1900XT in the 16x slot (which is slot 1) and one in a slot configured as 8x which would have to be slot 3. You would use the PCIe slot configure tool to configure slot 3 with 8x lanes.

Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
Yes, you can mix cards. The misconception was started by an Apple Developer's note that was later amended to remove the misconception. You can have an ATI X1900XT and an Nvidia Geforce 7300 in one Mac Pro, it's already been done.

Do both cards work simultaneously in OS X? I'm glad you cleared up the misconception and cited its source. :)


macrumors 68030
Jan 8, 2005
On the moon.
The only probable choice is the one X1900 and two 7300s. Why? Because the Mac Pro probably doesnt have 2 PCI-E connectors inside of it to power two X1900s, and you dont want to split that line. Boy, these suckers use power like its candy.

You can do two 1900xts but they will not run at there full capacity because you can't have two 16-lane PCI-E cards running at full speed

You can change the settings and have one card at 16 and the other at 8 but you would loose some of the performance that the second 1900xt has to offer.

A more cost effective solution would be to purchase one 1900xt to power two of the displays and get two 7300GTs - one for each of the other monitors

Not really. The Radeon X1900 hardly uses all 16 lanes.

Hell, my Radeon X1950 which is faster is on an AGP 8X slot, and it only comes a few frames behind a PCI-E 16X version. A AGP8X is equilvant to PCI-E 8X

The only card that really needs ALL the bandwidth of the 16X slot is probably the 8800GTX.

Did we ever establish why the OP needs 4 30" displays???

or was i jst really out of wen i read all this?

Maybe he wants to see pr0n larger than life. XD


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2002
Here and there!
While the X1900XT and the GeForce 7300 GT will indeed be able to run side-by-side in Mac OS X, there is anecdotal evidence that there is a major slowdown (at least in 10.4.8) in visual effects, as found in this thread.

I would assume that this is due to driver issues rather than a problem with PCIe bandwidth, but I'm only guessing, and I haven't heard if this problem is fixed in 10.4.9.


macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
Who would have thought such a simple question would be so difficult to answer?

We've gone through:

- duallink / dual ports

- 8 lane / 16 lane bandwidth

- simultaneous running of ATI / Nvida

- errors in Apple technotes

- vast numbers of comments by people who have never tried running this rig,

and now we're on :

- driver issues

- card power consumption vs number of PCI-E power connectors.

What next?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2005
In that case, SLI / Crossfire is confirmed for you in OS X as well. Please test it out and let your fellow forum members know. Thanks.

No because the Logic Board's chip set doesn't support it nor did I suggest that it would - I was simply stating that two different brand video cards with different drivers should work on Mac OSX due to info from an Apple Tech as well as an Apple phone rep.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2004
I wanted to chime in on the PCIe dealio. Unless you're planning on playing games, the X1900 would run just fine on a 2x lane. The amount of data transfer required to render the finder is not that high. On a 4x lane you'll get a performance hit in games in theory but the high resolution of the monitor would be a bigger issue.

Also as far as Crossfire/SLI goes, the only deciding factor on if/when those technologies could come to the Mac is wholly dependent on ATI, NVidia, and Apple. There's no technical reason why it can't work, nor is there anything special about the SLI chipsets that makes them a requirement for SLI. In fact, ULI (part of NVidia now) has a patch so that you can run SLI on their boards. There are also hacked drivers out there to allow SLI to run on other non NVidia chipsets and "unsupported" Nvidia chipsets.

All that needs to happen is the creation of proper SLI/Crossfire drivers for the Mac. My guess is thats a low priority for ATI and Apple at this point.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2005
Diddily Daddily...
No because the Logic Board's chip set doesn't support it nor did I suggest that it would - I was simply stating that two different brand video cards with different drivers should work on Mac OSX due to info from an Apple Tech as well as an Apple phone rep.

actually you stated that because it works in windows, it should work in osx.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2005
actually you stated that because it works in windows, it should work in osx.

Only in regards to multiple video cards for different manufacturers running in the same operating environment. Rod Rod inferred that to also include SLI/Crossfire technologies as well. I could have been clearer but figured it wasn't relevant to the topic.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2005
Diddily Daddily...
Only in regards to multiple video cards for different manufacturers running in the same operating environment. You inferred that to also include SLI/Crossfire technologies as well. I could have been clearer but figured it wasn't relevant to the topic.

no. *I* didnt infer *****. you made a blatant claim saying "because it works in windows it must work in osx".

Rod Rod then stated that using the SAME LOGIC, SLI and Crossfire would work in OSX. Hell, using the same logic, I'm gonna go buy me an 8800GTX and Office 2007. they work for windows, so they must work for osx.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2005
no. *I* didnt infer *****. you made a blatant claim saying "because it works in windows it must work in osx".

Rod Rod then stated that using the SAME LOGIC, SLI and Crossfire would work in OSX. Hell, using the same logic, I'm gonna go buy me an 8800GTX and Office 2007. they work for windows, so they must work for osx.

Those are assumptions (not by you - sorry I was referencing a previous post) , I stated my reasoning for my belief that it would work with out personally trying it myself with 3 separate reasons.

1 - Apple Tech
2 - Apple Sales Rep
3 - I have had success in Windows so the possibility is available

I said that it should work with my primary reasoning being point 1 & 2, while including point 3 from personal experience/opinion on the matter and I assumed that it would be read as such.

Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
No because the Logic Board's chip set doesn't support it nor did I suggest that it would - I was simply stating that two different brand video cards with different drivers should work on Mac OSX due to info from an Apple Tech as well as an Apple phone rep.

Got it.. the ensuing repartee has been amusing. :)


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2004
By the way, on the SLI front. You can run two cards in SLI mode on the Mac Pro in Windows ONLY (it can't be done in MacOS X as the drivers don't exist). It's done by setting two of the PCIe slots to 8 lanes each. So there is hope that eventually MacOS X will have SLI.
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