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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 23, 2011
Since upgrading to 11.3, every morning when I open my Macbook Pro, I have to restart it as it shuts down over night due to a kernel panic. Info submitted to Apple below. This is happening on a 2017 15" MBP for reference. Has anyone else been experiencing this problem or know of a fix? I've cleared my PRAM several mornings in case that would clear things up but it hasn't.

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801c16e4f9): "hibernate_lookup_paddr of 3911416 failed\n"@/System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/2288acc43c/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb0e53fb8b0 : 0xffffff801c08e02d
0xffffffb0e53fb900 : 0xffffff801c1d48e3
0xffffffb0e53fb940 : 0xffffff801c1c4eda
0xffffffb0e53fb990 : 0xffffff801c032a2f
0xffffffb0e53fb9b0 : 0xffffff801c08d84d
0xffffffb0e53fbad0 : 0xffffff801c08db43
0xffffffb0e53fbb40 : 0xffffff801c89d68a
0xffffffb0e53fbbb0 : 0xffffff801c16e4f9
0xffffffb0e53fbbe0 : 0xffffff801c16e67c
0xffffffb0e53fbc20 : 0xffffff801c81267f
0xffffffb0e53fbc50 : 0xffffff801c1d279d
0xffffffb0e53fbca0 : 0xffffff801d1367f8
0xffffffb0e53fbcf0 : 0xffffff801d13ac4d
0xffffffb0e53fbd10 : 0xffffff801c8122e0
0xffffffb0e53fbd60 : 0xffffff801c855d15
0xffffffb0e53fbde0 : 0xffffff801c7d7383
0xffffffb0e53fbe50 : 0xffffff801c7d40f1
0xffffffb0e53fbea0 : 0xffffff801c7d1280
0xffffffb0e53fbef0 : 0xffffff801c7d112a
0xffffffb0e53fbf30 : 0xffffff801c7eeaae
0xffffffb0e53fbf70 : 0xffffff801c7ee096
0xffffffb0e53fbfa0 : 0xffffff801c03213e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[7DACFA46-A157-3468-8779-21E8FFA3B799]@0xffffff801d12b000->0xffffff801d1a2fff

Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task


macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2021
Hi Bertie343,

I have the same problem: Almost identical message, happens since the update to 11.3, MacBook Pro 15 2017, always in the morning (when the computer goes to sleep during the day, the problem does not occur).

What I have tried so far without success:
- Start in saved mode to clear the cache and trigger some automatic checks.
- Hard disk check -> OK
- Apple diagnosis -> OK

Still without test after sleep over night:
PRAM reset
NVRAM reset
uninstall VirtualBox
uninstall Bitdefender

We seem to be the only ones on the Internet who have this problem… ;-)
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macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2021
I have the same problem: Almost identical message, happens since the update to 11.3, MacBook Pro 15 2017, always in the morning (when the computer goes to sleep during the day, the problem does not occur).

I have two MacBook Pro 15 2017, one for work and one for personal. I upgraded both to 11.3. I'm only having this issue on one of the two, it is my work machine. The primary difference between the two is the software installed by my company.

We can't be the only ones having this issue, hopefully someone else will reach out.


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2020
Me too - overnight restart since 11.3. I submitted error logs but didnt note the details. Today used the built in restore to reinstall with everything in place. Will report back tmrw. - M1 Macbook Air 8/256GB

EDIT: just opened it up after an inplace reinstall of MacOS and letting it sleep overnight and it works without reboot issue BUT - I had also turned off Bluetooth last night and BT was turned off when it went to sleep.

EDIT: Don't think my issue has the same cause or machine as most on here.
Found error as reported to Apple:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffe0014a161c0): "AppleHSBluetoothDevice::setPowerState(0xfffffe2330e94920 : 0xfffffe0016374234, 1 -> 0) timed out after 10298 ms"
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Samuel Bradshaw

macrumors member
Jun 10, 2014
This is happening to me as well. My error log that I submitted to Apple after starting up this morning was similar:

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801c76e4f9): "hibernate_lookup_paddr of 3909880 failed\n"@/System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/2288acc43c/Library/Caches/

I'm curious if any of you have also noticed significant lag (15–20 minutes) after logging in, while your previously-opened apps are being restored, after upgrading to 11.3.

Also, do you tend to plug in your computer overnight, or leave it unplugged? I tend to leave mine unplugged overnight, which I think has been the cause of some lag (1–2 minutes) while waiting for the login screen to be ready to accept my password, since upgrading to Big Sur in general. The new lag in 11.3 is longer, and is after I log in, rather than before. But I wonder if it's related – "hibernate_lookup_paddr" makes me think it has to do with some process the MacBook is trying to do overnight but failing on (because my MacBook is unplugged?).

My computer is a work-provided computer, so I have remote enterprise management software, a VPN, and Sophos installed. It's possible one of those is affecting things as well.

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
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macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2021
Looks like there are some who have exact the same problem:
- Update to 11.3
- Hibernate overnight
- Almost all have a 2017, 15 inch

nicksoph - Do you have a M1?

It doesn't seem to be due to a general HW issue, as jmunick1 has the problem only on one of two MacBooks, the HW is the same.

I can't detect any delay until I log in or apps are launched. The MacBook is running on battery power over night.

Probably chabig's way would end up being the fastest. But it would be a nightmare if I had to reinstall everything.

chabilg - Your link is for M1 MacBooks - correct?


macrumors newbie
Sep 7, 2020
Reinstalled MacOS from recovery menu and turned off bluetooth - awoke correctly after overnight sleep.

EDIT: This was on an M1 Air - see #5 above
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macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2021
The steps I've taken above didn't solve the problem.

@nicksoph: Did you delete your hard disk before? Is there a way to reinstall over the existing OS without losing data?

A backup is of course mandatory


macrumors newbie
May 1, 2021
Looks like there are some who have exact the same problem:
- Update to 11.3
- Hibernate overnight
- Almost all have a 2017, 15 inch

nicksoph - Do you have a M1?

It doesn't seem to be due to a general HW issue, as jmunick1 has the problem only on one of two MacBooks, the HW is the same.

I can't detect any delay until I log in or apps are launched. The MacBook is running on battery power over night.

Probably chabig's way would end up being the fastest. But it would be a nightmare if I had to reinstall everything.

chabilg - Your link is for M1 MacBooks - correct?
I have been getting this overnight kernel panic error for a week nows. And surprisingly, my Mac specs is exactly the same: Big Sur 11.3,MBP 2017 15in.


macrumors newbie
May 1, 2021
Same problem here: standby/hibernation seems to work fine during the day but when opening the MB in the morning it reboots and comes up with en error.

The Message is almost identical (only the number after 'hibernate_lookup_paddr of ... ' differs ...):

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801cf6e4f9): "hibernate_lookup_paddr of 3907832 failed\n"@/System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/2288acc43c/Library/Caches/

Happens since update to 11.3

I keep the MB disconnected overnight.

I have a software installed: Watchguard Mobile - a VPN Client from my company

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 23, 2011
The fact almost everyone having this issue has a 2017 model makes me think this is something hardware related that the software of the new OS is causing to trigger an issue.

Also my computer is quite laggy once it restarts too. It takes awhile for things to operate like normal


macrumors newbie
May 1, 2021
Wow, I am relieved to see that I am not crazy. I have the same issue since last 2 days:
- have a 2017, 15 inch
- Update to 11.3
- Hibernate overnight and it doesn't wake and auto-reboots
- During day it is fine.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 23, 2011
For the time being since this seems to relate to hibernate issues, I'm going to disable the hibernate feature. You can do that by opening terminal and running this command: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0


macrumors newbie
May 1, 2021
Wow, I am relieved to see that I am not crazy. I have the same issue since last 2 days:
- have a 2017, 15 inch
- Update to 11.3
- Hibernate overnight and it doesn't wake and auto-reboots
- During day it is fine.
Same goes for me, I also updated my 2017 macbook 2 days ago and since then it won't wake up in the morning ... hopefully sending all those reports to apple will make them produce a quick hotfix.


macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2021
Today I got a kernel panic after trying to copy the /user directory to my NAS. Unfortunately I did not copy the log, but I am very sure that the same directory was referenced again.

The referenced file vm_resident.c can be viewed here:
The error message is in line 7554.

Unfortunately, my programming skills don't go far enough, but as it is a memory management module, this possibly points to a RAM defect.

I am not sure if we all have the same HW. I understood @nicksoph to have a M1 Macbook Air 8/256GB?

I have now also done a re-install via the repair console, meaning I have not deleted the old installation and just reinstalled Big Sur. Let's see how it looks tomorrow.
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