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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 19, 2017
Hello, I've suffered from mid 2010 macbook pro panics for about 5 years. I've used GFX with some success but it never really cured it.

I've fully cured the problem that has bugged so many people for so long. It may be by accident but it works and I haven't had a panic since. It sounds too simple to be true, but works. I upgraded to High Sierra and in my browsers' settings disabled hardware acceleration. Voila, no more panics which is a huge relief. There is now no need for GFX

I hope this may help other people tormented by this problem. Roy Jones, London
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macrumors member
Apr 28, 2015
New York NY
Get out of here! I just bought a bare bones mid 2010 MacBook pro from eBay a couple months ago because i had a friend of mine use the one that had the Panic Attack and bought myself a mid-2012 i5 13' MacBook. I recently swapped it out for the bare bones i got on eBay (Which works great by the way). Please let us know how it works for you! I might resurrect the GPU panic one and give it to my brother.
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