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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2006
hi, my mighy mouse's scroll wheel stopped working and i took it apart to clean the roller things around the ball. it stopped working again so i took it apart a 2nd time, then a 3rd, all without breaking a thing, an amazing feat since most people have to break the plastic ring outer ring to get inside. well it stopped yet again so i when through the normal dissasembaly process and i lost one of the tiny magnetic rollers! anything i could use in the mouse instead of the roller? thx.


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
hi, my mighy mouse's scroll wheel stopped working and i took it apart to clean the roller things around the ball. it stopped working again so i took it apart a 2nd time, then a 3rd, all without breaking a thing, an amazing feat since most people have to break the plastic ring outer ring to get inside. well it stopped yet again so i when through the normal dissasembaly process and i lost one of the tiny magnetic rollers! anything i could use in the mouse instead of the roller? thx.

Man that sucks. How old was it. Less then a year. I would call apple and see if they would replace it.


macrumors newbie
Nov 11, 2006
Mine had the same issue within only a couple of months of purchase -- replaced with no cost to me. (And already its done the same thing once!)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 13, 2006
just noticed there where more replys, i got my mouse like a year ago, so no replacement for me, i got a wireless mighty mouse last night and its working great! hopefully i dont have to take this one apart for a while...
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