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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 1, 2010
A friend of mine purchased and Apple Gift card at Walmart. She went through self checkout as in her area, that is pretty much the only option. When she did the self checkout the card registered as activated and was charged on her credit card. Once home she removed the plastic container and then opened the cardboard Apple Gift card packaging. Surprise! There was no card inside.

She went back to the store and Walmart said, sorry, contact Apple. She contacted Apple and they also sorry, contact Walmart. I contacted Apple to see what I could do. My fear was that the card was stolen from the package and someone was waiting for it to be activated and then use the card. Apple was able to determine that the full balance was in the card. I asked Apple ID they could freeze the balance until it is resolved. Nope. They asked for the code to fully activate the card. I said that isn’t possible since there was no card inside and hence no code.

Apple ended with them saying go back to a Walmart and have them call Apple and reference the case number and that Walmart should give her a replacement card. I called my friend back and told her my results. She said that the store manager refused to call Apple the first time. All I could tell her w as to try again and show the manager the email I sent.

Oh, one more item. Apple said that they couldn’t freeze the card without evidence of fraudulent activity. I said that if there is no card to activate there is no fraud but that my f reins cannot access her funds because there is no card.

As it stands, I told my friend to elevate it at Walmart. What have others here done?

Ps. I have this under Apple
card because there is no Apple
Gift card category
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