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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005
Los Angeles, California
alright you guys, some of you might rememebr that my Mac had issues picking up my MiniDV when I plugged it in via Firewire and try to capture footage with FCP.

Well, iMovie seems to pick it up always fine but now, i checked under my settings and found something strange or so I think


should that be missing....I mean everytime I open FCP, it says it cannot detect my Firewire


macrumors 68030
Mar 24, 2005
A religiously oppressed state
illegalprelude said:
alright you guys, some of you might rememebr that my Mac had issues picking up my MiniDV when I plugged it in via Firewire and try to capture footage with FCP.

Well, iMovie seems to pick it up always fine but now, i checked under my settings and found something strange or so I think


should that be missing....I mean everytime I open FCP, it says it cannot detect my Firewire
*is jealous that you have FCP I only have FCE :(*

Ok now for the helpful part of this post.
It seams like you are having a Logic Board issue. To know for sure if you are go out buy a FireWire PCI card, install it and see if it works with the PCI card. If it works you have a logic board issue. If it doesn't then it is a software issue and you will need to restore you system and reinstall everything.


macrumors newbie
May 21, 2005
Have u try other firewire device? the firewire port of ur DV cam. might be broken. you should never turn on ur cam before turning on ur computer.


macrumors regular
Jul 15, 2004
Plugged in and on when you start FCP

Hmm... if it's working in iMovie, it should be working fine in FCP. The only thing you have to make sure of is that the Firewire camera is plugged into the computer and ON when you start FCP.

Once you've started FCP, it will not 'auto-detect' the plug-in of a camera like iMovie will. It's always best to simply have the camera (or deck) plugged into firewire and on before starting the editing program anyway. That's why it's popping up the "Firewire Device Missing" window everytime you start.

Otherwise, as was said earlier, it could be a logic board thing, or the connector on the camera; but if it works in iMovie, I'm willing to bet it's how you're using it, and not a hardware thing.



macrumors member
May 27, 2005
Don't go run out and buy a Firewire card. Try hooking up another Firewire device, but also try installing the latest version of Quicktime. Even if you have the latest version, reinstall it. Fixes a lot of missing device problems in FCP.
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