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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
General notes:

1. Assignments are posted on the 1st Monday of each month.
2. Assignments are open to all MR members.
3. By submitting artwork, members implicitly agree to all these rules.

Submission rules:

1. The artwork must meet all other forum rules.
2. The artwork must meet all legal requirements. For example: authorization from models (if any) must be secured.
3. The artwork must meet all assignment rules.
4. Members should be the owner of the artwork they submit.
5. A member may submit a maximum of one (1) artwork per assignment.
6. Artwork must me submitted between the 3rd Monday and 3rd Tuesday (included) of the assignment month. Artwork submitted outside of this timeframe will be deleted.
7. The artwork - including shooting of photo(s), must be created during the assignment period.
8. Any MR member is free to submit artwork for any assignment, regardless if he/she submitted artwork to a previous assignment or not.
9. Members may accompany their artwork with a maximum of five (5) lines of text to explain his/her choices, camera settings, post-processing, etc.
10. Members accept that all artwork submitted will have a Creative Commons licence. [note: I suggest this licence]
11. Artwork may be created by any kind of digital camera and any post-processing ("Photoshopping") the member sees fit. Post-processing must meet Photoshopping rules detailed below.
12. Scans of film may or may not be permitted.


1. Discussion may begin on 3rd Wednesday of the assignment month. No time limit is fixed for the moment.
2. Only members who submitted artwork to current assignment may enter the discussion.
3. Comments, critiques and discussion must meet all forum rules.
4. Comments, critiques and discussion most be constructive, objective and aimed at improving the quality of the artwork.
5. Artistic choices (for example: choice of subject, assignment interpretation, etc.) may be discussed, but not criticized.
6. Equipment used may be discussed, commented or criticized only if this helps in improving artwork quality.
7. Comment posts must include a reference to the artwork being discussed. Links to original post are preferred, but post # is an acceptable alternative. [maybe replace with inserting attachment?]

Photoshopping rules:

1. All Photoshopping must be accompanied with its detailed description so all may benefit from it.
2. Artwork may only be Photoshopped with explicit authorization from the owner.
3. Photoshopping of artwork outside its corresponding assignment thread is not permitted without explicit authorization of the owner.
4. Photoshopping must be keep simple, so members with less advanced software may reproduce the same processing.
5. The sole purpose of Photoshopping is to enhance the artisitic/technical quality of the artwork.

To do list:

1. How and when do we settle on next month's assignment?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
Ok. Let's finalise the rules.

I'll edit my first post as necessary and maybe this thread can be made a sticky. :cool:

Shoot away :D


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
whocares said:
Ok. Let's finalise the rules.

I'll edit my first post as necessary and maybe this thread can be made a sticky. :cool:

Shoot away :D

Excellent work, thanks for drafting that up. I would certainly second this as a sticky to this thread hoping that these assignments catch on and become a regular thing here.

On to the rules:
*General Rules:
Agree on all points.

*Submission Rules:
6 - Artwork should be allowed to be submitted anytime between assignment start day (1st Monday) and the final submission day (3rd Wednesday). There is no reason to cram all submissions into two days. If someone is ready before, that should be allowed.
13 - I am not opposed to allowing scans of film, although that makes PP quite difficult if the member was requesting help in that form.

5 - I think there should be room here for commenting. If there is a shot I took that could be improved by changing a technical aspect of my shot, I would like to know about it. The quality of the image I agree on, for example telling me sharper would have been better....I probably know that.
7 - Sticky this on its own :p We don't want any debates over a certain system making the shot better than the other....bold this please!
8 - It may be helpful to make Point 1 state that discussions are not permitted to begin until submissions have completed, and then reiterate that point with Point 8 (then 9 if shifted). It would be best to make this completely clear so that all submissions are at the top and no discussion starts until all images are submitted.

Photoshopping rules:
4 - This may prove difficult based on what the original shooter was going for. For example, if we choose to have a 'high contrast' assignment where I choose desaturate the image and bring forth color from a focal point using a history brush, I'm not sure how else to do that and I don't know if other programs have that....

To do list:
I think if we have recommendations submitted to someone, and then they can start a poll at the beginning of each month that will be voted on, without comment, until the 1st Monday of said month, that may work. If all recommendations are submitted to a singular person, then they will make it into the poll when that person makes the post.

As an aside, will that CC license be an 'understanding' or is there a way to apply that on a per-image basis without watermarking or ruining the ease of the assignment?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
efoto said:
*Submission Rules:
6 - Artwork should be allowed to be submitted anytime between assignment start day (1st Monday) and the final submission day (3rd Wednesday). There is no reason to cram all submissions into two days. If someone is ready before, that should be allowed.
13 - I am not opposed to allowing scans of film, although that makes PP quite difficult if the member was requesting help in that form.

6 - The idea here is to not be influenced too much by other member's work. But I'm quite open to change.
13 - It's fine with me but makes rule 11 hard to enforce.

efoto said:
5 - I think there should be room here for commenting. If there is a shot I took that could be improved by changing a technical aspect of my shot, I would like to know about it. The quality of the image I agree on, for example telling me sharper would have been better....I probably know that.
7 - Sticky this on its own :p We don't want any debates over a certain system making the shot better than the other....bold this please!
8 - It may be helpful to make Point 1 state that discussions are not permitted to begin until submissions have completed, and then reiterate that point with Point 8 (then 9 if shifted). It would be best to make this completely clear so that all submissions are at the top and no discussion starts until all images are submitted.

5 - ok. I ammended that one. Members can choose for themselves. This is where we find out if we'll behave like adults :eek: :p
7 - done
8 - done

efoto said:
Photoshopping rules:
4 - This may prove difficult based on what the original shooter was going for. For example, if we choose to have a 'high contrast' assignment where I choose desaturate the image and bring forth color from a focal point using a history brush, I'm not sure how else to do that and I don't know if other programs have that....

The idea here is to not hinder/exclude members with little software. Needs discussing I guess.

efoto said:
To do list:
I think if we have recommendations submitted to someone, and then they can start a poll at the beginning of each month that will be voted on, without comment, until the 1st Monday of said month, that may work. If all recommendations are submitted to a singular person, then they will make it into the poll when that person makes the post.

That's a good idea. What's the max number of poll items? The member(s) in charge of gathering suggestions could create a poll to decide.

efoto said:
As an aside, will that CC license be an 'understanding' or is there a way to apply that on a per-image basis without watermarking or ruining the ease of the assignment?

The idea is that all artwork is posted with the same licence and that this licence be clearly known. Basically it states that people can re-use, modify and distribute the artwork for non-commercial use as long as the original owner is credited. It clearly states what your rights are to your artwork so people won't come complaining if somebody else uses their art. Again I'm open to change and this needs to be debated.


macrumors G4
So far as the commenting goes, I think it all depends on the tone of the commenting. I don't think I'd object to someone suggesting cropping something tighter to give it better composition, discussing whether something might have been more interesting shot from another angle or sharpening something a little more to give it more impact. I think if the comments are constructive criticism about something that can be corrected or learned from then that's fine. It's if it turns into subjective criticism or the arguments over equipment that we'll end up with tears and the rules should protect against.

So far as equipment goes, are we mentioning it at all in the camera settings part?


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I think all comments/critiques should be required to include the number of the post that includes the submitted photo (possibly linked for ease of use), so we can easily distinguish WHICH picture is being discuessed, as we tend to free-form it and it can get confusing.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
Applespider said:
So far as the commenting goes, I think it all depends on the tone of the commenting. I don't think I'd object to someone suggesting cropping something tighter to give it better composition, discussing whether something might have been more interesting shot from another angle or sharpening something a little more to give it more impact. I think if the comments are constructive criticism about something that can be corrected or learned from then that's fine. It's if it turns into subjective criticism or the arguments over equipment that we'll end up with tears and the rules should protect against.

So far as equipment goes, are we mentioning it at all in the camera settings part?

I agree that comments and discussion rules may be a bit restrictive. Let's scrap #6 and see how things go along?

As for equipment, I guess it's up to the author to mention or not what equipment was used. IMHO only post equipment used if it's relevant, for example: "I used my 200mm telephoto to compress perspective" is good as it has educational value. Stuff like "I used my 14.7 mega pixel D2X, my 12-24mm f:2.8 superwide angle zoom and my $$$ Manfrotto tripod to shoot this perfectly normal landscape" is silly and should be frowned upon. [BTW, I owne *none* of the aforementionned equipment ;) :p ]


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
sooo... I can't spend the time typing:

I pressed that little whatsit on the top.. the umm button.. and the flash went off and I got this picture of my bum in the mirror?


yellow said:
I think all comments/critiques should be required to include the number of the post that includes the submitted photo (possibly linked for ease of use), so we can easily distinguish WHICH picture is being discuessed, as we tend to free-form it and it can get confusing.

What if each image was a seperate thread called Assignment 1 Yellow or Assignment 03/12/05 Lau or something? Then the discussion would continue after the image on each thread.

It could cause problems if it's anonymous, I expect, but still could be Assignment 1 - Submission A, Assignment 1 - Submission B, etc.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
Lau said:
What if each image was a seperate thread called Assignment 1 Yellow or Assignment 03/12/05 Lau or something? Then the discussion would continue after the image on each thread.

It could cause problems if it's anonymous, I expect, but still could be Assignment 1 - Submission A, Assignment 1 - Submission B, etc.

I like the idea. But I also like the idea of having all the photos in the same thread so we can easily compare them.

How about one thread for submitting and individual threads for discussion (the discussion thread(s) being linked to in the original submission post)?


macrumors G4
Lau said:
What if each image was a seperate thread called Assignment 1 Yellow or Assignment 03/12/05 Lau or something? Then the discussion would continue after the image on each thread.

This might lead to problems where people see how often/seldom their thread has been viewed or commented on in comparison to others.

I think it would be more fun having all the pics in one thread and the comments in another - it's easy enough to have them both open so long as the commentor references which one it is.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I'm afraid that having separate threads for each photo and comments would lead to some being missed in the shuffle. As it is, my UK friends are from the shiney future.. and if I, here in the barbarous past were to post at 10PM my time, I don't think anyone but the occational drunk yabbo (what are those burbury sporters called?) to peruse the picture of my backside for comments and critiques. At least if all the pics are in one thread we'll be less likely to miss one.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
yellow said:
I'm afraid that having separate threads for each photo and comments would lead to some being missed in the shuffle. As it is, my UK friends are from the shiney future.. and if I, here in the barbarous past were to post at 10PM my time, I don't think anyone but the occational drunk yabbo (what are those burbury sporters called?) to peruse the picture of my backside for comments and critiques. At least if all the pics are in one thread we'll be less likely to miss one.

Good point! How about all photos are uploaded as attachments and we include the attachment in all subsequent discussion posts of that particular photo?

Attachment thumbnails are quite small so this wouldn't crowd the threads too much and would make it quite clear what photo a comment is referring to.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I wouldn't want to have to re-attach the attachment, as that's putting uneccesary strain on the database. I think if we just include a link to the particular post in each post, that would suffice.

For example, I'm very proud of this picture.. and it's ability to cause blindness.

Linked: HERE



macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
whocares said:
Good point! How about all photos are uploaded as attachments and we include the attachment in all subsequent discussion posts of that particular photo?

Attachment thumbnails are quite small so this wouldn't crowd the threads too much and would make it quite clear what photo a comment is referring to.

We should upload all images as attachments to make them easily accessible and reference-able, but the only problem is that the original attachment is the only one that is thumbnailed. If you type [url=....... for a given attachment, it links to the fullsize image, not the thumbnail. There may be a way to link the thumb, but I guess I don't know it.

It may make sense to have a Submissions thread and a Discussions thread both relating to the same assignment....seems fine to me. I wouldn't mind them being one as long as the submissions were at the top.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
efoto said:
We should upload all images as attachments to make them easily accessible and reference-able, but the only problem is that the original attachment is the only one that is thumbnailed. If you type (...) for a given attachment, it links to the fullsize image, not the thumbnail. There may be a way to link the thumb, but I guess I don't know it.

I think we have the attachment tag but am unsure how it's used. I guess we'll just have to experiment :)

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
I think the rules might be a little knee jerking from the recent stupidity.

You should be able to comment/critique the artwork or hardware. Just realize that the *FORUM RULES* apply and that any personal attacks, baiting and general stupidity that requires a mod to come in here and clean the crap up is going to be met with force. It would behoove all members participating to understand this and not get carried away or let someone draw you into a fight.

There will always be cases where technique could have been a little better - but for some reason you didn't get the shot you wanted and ended up with something else.

Lets just play nice so that critiquing work can actually help people shoot better the next time around.



macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
Applespider said:
So far as equipment goes, are we mentioning it at all in the camera settings part?
whocares said:
As for equipment, I guess it's up to the author to mention or not what equipment was used. IMHO only post equipment used if it's relevant, for example: "I used my 200mm telephoto to compress perspective" is good as it has educational value. Stuff like "I used my 14.7 mega pixel D2X, my 12-24mm f:2.8 superwide angle zoom and my $$$ Manfrotto tripod to shoot this perfectly normal landscape" is silly and should be frowned upon.

I think equipment can be mentioned, even in a technical sense. It all goes back to iGary's comments about being adults. I would find it interesting to know that someone used a 12-24 f2.8 vs. a 24-70 f2.8. Even both at 24 may produce different images and it would be helpful to know that, at least informative to know. I'm not even against including camera body either, I just hesitate because I don't want such pointless comments as "that could have been better if you used a Canon"....that is just useless and helps no one.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
Maybe we (I) are being a bit too anal with these rules. I'll loosen them up (I stille believe rules are important so members know what they can do/say and they can't).


Suggestions for determining assignments:
1. Assigmnent thread is started on 25th of month preceding assignment. Members post assignment ideas.
2. First 5 (10?) posted (suitable) ideas are kept and thread is turn into a poll.
3. All MR members may vote in the poll to choose the assignment.
4. If a sufficient number of ideas isn't reached 5 days before the assignment starts, polls is taken all the same.
5. Poll closes on the 1st Monday of the month.

Does this make sense?


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
Mr. Anderson said:
I think the rules might be a little knee jerking from the recent stupidity.

You should be able to comment/critique the artwork or hardware. Just realize that the *FORUM RULES* apply and that any personal attacks, baiting and general stupidity that requires a mod to come in here and clean the crap up is going to be met with force. It would behoove all members participating to understand this and not get carried away or let someone draw you into a fight.

Not to cut on moderation, but there are times when things get carried away and they are not dealt with quickly or to member satisfaction. I would assume the problem lies with the mass quantity of posts vs. quantity of moderators, but regardless there are times when you are reading and you just want to remove a post yourself because it's pointless/useless/harmful and you know it will take forever for someone on moderation to find it.

As far as being able to comment/critique the hardware, what possible good can come from this? If I shoot Canon and you shoot Nikon, how could you constructively critique my hardware without telling me to switch or that it is junk? If my image has noise do you blame my sensor and tell me to switch? There is just no good that comes from this that I can's ALWAYS downhill, proven many times on MR.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yeah, some of these rules are like the rules that already exist in the rest of this board, so having them written up here is a bit redundant from a mod's point of view, although some of these contest specific rules are obviously necessary.

Also, nobody reads long lists of rules, even if the thread is a sticky. :eek:


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
However, if everyone that wanted to participate was directed to read the 'rules of the thread'.. which was a pointer to the forum rules with a few additions that will/won't be tollerated, like the aforementioned 'canon sux'...


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
whocares said:
Maybe we (I) are being a bit too anal with these rules. I'll loosen them up (I stille believe rules are important so members know what they can do/say and they can't).

I don't think they should be loosened up at all, I like them nice and strict because it keeps people on a short leash. We have seen time and time again on MR that people get carried away, especially when a little flame is under their butt....I do not want to see a rather fun thing turn into a stupid war over brands, it's just pointless.
The only problem I see with the rules is that we have no way to enforce them, because Mr. A said *forum rules* should suffice, and without mod support, we can't clean up our own stuff.

Suggestions for determining assignments:
1. Assigmnent thread is started on 25th of month preceding assignment. Members post assignment ideas.
2. First 5 (10?) posted (suitable) ideas are kept and thread is turn into a poll.
3. All MR members may vote in the poll to choose the assignment.
4. If a sufficient number of ideas isn't reached 5 days before the assignment starts, polls is taken all the same.
5. Poll closes on the 1st Monday of the month.

Does this make sense?
It makes sense, but can we do that? Can a thread be turned poll after the fact or does it have to be started as a poll?
Also, we need some sort of criteria for determining what is a valid 'assignment'.
My example contained a topic and a (color) theme, I think those two are good. If each month we choose a gross topic (nature, wildlife, architecture, automobiles) and then add a stylized theme (B&W, high-contrast, deep red (think filters here)) I think we can have a long-standing run without repeats.
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