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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 8, 2003
Ok, I've read the threads concerning buying intel iMacs vs. current PowerMacs. They were informative, and I thought the recent intel releases would help me make up my mind, but I still can't. Can you all help me please? I'm going nuts trying to buy something I won't regret later!

So here's my setup: I use Logic Express with Garritan Personal Orchestra for recording rather large audio projects (Symphonies, orchestration for pop tunes etc...). I currently have an 867 MHz G4 Powerbook that's just dying under the load (I bought it before I decided to move to digital audio recording...). I do some video editing here and there with FCP, but that's just for fun. The audio stuff is turning serious.

So, I'm basically caught in between wanting the new intel (or the 2.1 G5) iMac because of the compact design and price vs. a PowerMac with the intention of adding more audio gear in the future (like 2-3 years in the future, not now) and the power. I'm concerned mainly about getting the most power that I can for my needs without, you know, over-doing it (a Quad PM would be great, but do I really need it?). But even the current PM selection confuses me. Will a 2.3 Dual PM keep me happy? (I have problems with any project over 11 tracks...current projects are running roughly 25-50 tracks...)

If anybody uses a similar set-up to mine, I would super-appreciate some tips on how it runs on your current set-up and possibly what your plans may be for an upgrade based on the experiences you have now.

Whew! That feels good to get off my mind!
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